Brandon Dimmel

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Is it Sick to Buy Drugs from a Spammer?

We've all seen them: spam messages purporting to help us guys in the act of "getting it up". Although it's a legitimate problem and many men do turn to medication helping with erectile dysfunction, this segment of the male population typically, and ... wisely, consult their doctors for help. But, what about those email messages that promise such medication so cheap? Do those actually work? According to one curious and frisky Canadian research group, some of these spammers will in fact fill your order. The University of Toronto-based Centre for Global eHealth Innovation perused 4,000 spam messages ... (view more)

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Quad-Core Power from Intel on the Way

There are few tech battles as heated as that between chipmakers AMD and Intel. Granted, video game fans getting pretty hot under the collar when defending their Xbox, Wii, or PS3, but just about everyone needs a computer, and these days that means ... just about everyone has to choose between AMD and Intel. Now, Intel is stepping things up with the introduction of a whole new generation of processors that will significantly boost performance without demanding inordinate amounts of power. The company is expected to finish the new family of chips by this time next year, a plan that's all a part of ... (view more)

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Web Protectors Falling Behind

Money makes the world go 'round. That's hardly surprising to anyone, although for a long time it seemed Internet hackers were more interested in simple, wanton destruction than the almighty dollar. According to security guru Symantec, that's all ... changed. At one time, many viruses were created just to cause trouble. These were largely referred to as "nuisance" attacks, not much different than "teepeeing" mean old Mr. Anderson's house down the street. It seems that web hackers have discovered being loud and destructive doesn't exactly pay well, and have instead turned to more subtle ... (view more)

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SpiralFrog Offers Free Music Downloads

Miss Kazaa? Don't trust Torrents? You and everyone else not interested in paying thousands of dollars for an expensive CD collection might finally have found something worth looking into: a free music download website that makes its profit from ... someone other than you. The idea of is fairly simple: blast the consumer with advertisements, soak up advertisers for the necessary resources to run the site, and in turn offer the music itself for no charge. Record labels actually receive about half of all advertising dollars reaped from the site. This sounds too good to be true... The ... (view more)

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Web War Heats Up Between Forces of Good and Evil

In the battle to become Masters of the Web Universe, there are good guys and bad guys. Those who might be considered He-Man-heroes are web sites like, which offer help to online users who have been hit by irritating malware. On the ... other end, there's Skeletor's black hat baddies, who are right now doing everything in their power to take CastleCops and others right off the web. (Source: ) The strategy of malware goons is to execute what's called a "distributed denial of service," where black hat malcontents attempt to shut down a site by hitting it with a massive ... (view more)

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Prince Punishes Piracy, Copyright Infringers

Although he may appear fairly harmless, Prince is about to attack. That's right, the singer known for partying like it's 1999 and "Purple Rain" will soon flood controversial Internet sites YouTube and PirateBay with allegations of copyright ... infringement. For those who don't know, Prince is a bit of a stickler when it comes to this kind of thing. Recently playing to screaming crowds at The 02 Arena in London, England, the artist banned fans from taking photos or recording video with their mobile phones. Since that probably didn't stop anyone from immediately posting such content on good 'ol ... (view more)

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What? Another HD Format?

If you're already confused about the high definition movie market, what with its HD-DVD and Blu-ray formats, then it's going to get a little more muddled for you. That's because China, quickly evolving into a technology titan, has developed CH-DVD, ... based on Toshiba's HD-DVD platform. Last week, the Optical Memory National Engineering Research Center, or OMNERC, announced the development of CH-DVD, which stands for China High Definition DVD (no surprise there). Crafted in the laboratories of Tsinghua University in Beijing, CH-DVD beckons the HD-DVD magic by employing the blue-violet lasers ... (view more)

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Study Predicts Wii Won't Stop

What kind of console do you own? Perhaps more importantly, is there a particular gaming system you plan to own in the next six to twelve months? A recent study on that very question has come to a conclusion some might consider quite controversial. ... Since its debut last November, the Nintendo Wii, which uses fan-dangled motion-sensitivity for much of its gameplay, has dominated the competition. Although the Xbox 360 from Microsoft still holds a sales lead, that's primarily because of its year-long head start. The Sony PlayStation 3, well, the PS3 ain't doin' too good. But, what about the next ... (view more)

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Skype Slammed Again by Worm

Love to talk? Many of us do. It's one reason Skype has becomes such a popular "telephony" service, although both Skype Ltd. and its customers are pulling out hairs this morning over news that a nasty worm is inching its way through the instant ... messenger service. Skype, which is a Voice over Internet Protocol, or VOIP service, has seen its fair share of threats. In April we reported on a similar issue, whereby a text link led to a JPEG file that in turn presented an executable link. Clicking that meant spyware-central, and a whole lot of headaches for a service developed by former ... (view more)

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Proof Web Fraud Doesn't Pay

Great news for eBay users who've ever been ripped off (and heaven knows there's a lot of you): At least one sketchy character is paying for failing to deliver on auction promises. For some, eBay is a land of frustration. Let's face it, nothing's ... guaranteed; although some products, such as wholesale movies and video games can be lucrative money-savers, there's always the chance that used or new copy of Halo 2 will never reach your door. It can be much more frustrating for those gambling on computer hardware parts and accessories, although it seems the American justice system is finally taking ... (view more)


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