Brandon Dimmel

Dennis Faas's picture

Can Razr 2 Save Motorola?

In recent weeks, we've heard a lot about Apple's iPhone. We've heard so much about it, in fact, that few of us remember the sleekest cell before it. That of course, was the Motorola RAZR. Desperate to regain some of its past glory, Motorola will ... release its slim handheld in an entirely new version. It's unsurprisingly (and un-originally) called RAZR 2. This weekend will mark the release of Motorola's new device, a rather desperate attempt to remind consumers that extremely thin cell phones, and not extremely expensive and feature-laden devices, were once the toast of the market. Behind the ... (view more)

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Apple's iPhone Rip-off

Although we've all been entranced with the beauty and sheer media power of the Apple iPhone, it's hard to imagine all that innovation could have come from just one tech company. Well, it might just be too good to be true, according to a recent suit ... alleging that the phone's maker lifted its whimsical keyboard design. SP Technologies argues that it has held the patent rights to the iPhone's keyboard since the year 2000. The popular touch-screen feature, which has been responsible for much of the materialistic fanfare behind the device, was apparently developed seven years ago. That's clear in ... (view more)

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How Dangerous is the Web for Your Wallet?

For many of us who use the web for work and pleasure, the fact that it isn't necessarily a "safe place" is hardly surprising. But, just how dangerous is it? According to one recent report from British Parliament, theft on the Internet is becoming a ... real and even rampant problem. In fact, groups referred to as "highly specialised gangs" are now engaging in an Ocean's Thirteen-like theft of online bank accounts. This same report finds that over $33.5 million pounds, approximately $70 million US dollars, was stolen from the web homes of financial institutions, in the UK alone, last year. Yeah, ... (view more)

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Apple Revives iMac

Okay, so Apple isn't always on the cutting edge. Sometimes they go back to the fundamentals for financial inspiration, even if basic economics suggest otherwise. That appears to be the case with CEO Steve Jobs' recent unveiling of Apple's redesigned ... iMac, the desktop computer and device many credit for the company's comeback. Released long before the iPod or iPhone, many tech consumers will remember the late '90s iMac's simple design graced by bright colors uncharacteristic of the market or even industry. Today's new iMac boasts a much slimmer design than those rollie-pollie old iMacs of the ... (view more)

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Guess Who's Getting Cheap Vista?

Want a dirt-cheap version of Windows Vista? Move to China. Microsoft has posted an extremely low price for the new operating system in that country, with hopes of drastically improving sales. The Chinese will see a price reduction North Americans, ... for now, can only dream of. Vista Home Basic there will plummet from over 1,500 renminibi to just 499 renminibi ($66 USD). Home Premium will similarly drop, from 1,800 renminibi to 800 renminibi. That means Home Basic and Premium will drop 67% and 50%, respectively. For the record, China's Vista price is now less than a third of that charged to ... (view more)

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Microsoft Sued for Tragic Xbox Fire

If you're one of the many people who still own and play the original Xbox video game console, keep a close eye on the system's power supply cord. Recalled a few years ago, it has cost one infant his life. In February of 2005, Microsoft recalled the ... power cord for its Xbox, amidst fears that it could overheat and engulf a home in flames. Although the problem sounds similar to overheating issues with the newer Xbox 360, the latter's issues simply affect the console's ability to function, and pose no threat of combustion. Unfortunately for a Warsaw, Illinois couple, the original Xbox power cord ... (view more)

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Microsoft Updates for August and Everything After

Not feeling secure in your Microsoft software? Well, the company appears ready to make at least nine steps towards giving you some comfort while using Windows, Office, and development program Virtual Basic. Security updates are nothing new for ... Microsoft, which typically releases similar patches on a monthly basis. However, this update is a bit special given its size and the number of applications it seeks to improve. Patches are a mix of critical and not-so critical. Windows XP and Vista will receive security improvements addressing both minor and major holes (not outlined by Microsoft), ... (view more)

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Mac Office 2008 Waits 'Til 2008

It seems we'll all be celebrating the one year anniversary of Windows Vista by the time Microsoft releases the Mac version of Office. It seems the Redmond-based company has decided to push back Mac Office 2008's release, now appropriately set for ... mid-January next year. It's already the second major delay for the software. Unfortunately, it seems as though the Mac edition of Office was nowhere near ready. According to development group General Manager Craig Eisler, "It was clear from our June and July quality checkpoints that no matter how hard we tried, we couldn't release our product in time ... (view more)

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Microsoft Axes Xbox 360 Price

In one of the least surprising moves in recent gaming history, Microsoft has slashed the price of its popular Xbox 360 console. Given the growing affection for Nintendo's Wii, a much cheaper system, the announcement is hardly shocking. It has been ... rumored for months that Microsoft may lower the price of its Xbox 360, released in November of 2005, in order to stay competitive. (Source: ) How cheap will it go? According to reports, the standard "Premium" edition of the console will drop from $399 US to just $350. The Premium version boasts a 20 GB hard drive, wireless ... (view more)

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Sanity of Southpaws Scrutinized

Are you left handed? According to one research team, it could mean you're also a looney tune. The Wellcome Trust for Human Genetics at the University of Oxford has recently completed an international study of southpaws. The findings are a bit ... startling: the same gene that leaves one left-handed may also lead to the development of schizophrenia, a mental disorder that impairs perception and affects approximately 1% of the global population. It's all about brain symmetry. The gene in question, labelled LRRTM1, modifies that symmetry in the human brain. Although in most humans the left side of ... (view more)


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