Brandon Dimmel

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Windows Server 2008 Delayed

Please don't be too shocked by this one: Microsoft has again delayed one of its highly anticipated products. This time the unfortunate one is Windows Server 2008, unsurprisingly pushed back until, you guessed it, 2008. At one time, Microsoft had ... planned to release Windows Server 2008 just in time for reindeer and Santa Claus, although recent troubles have left representatives scratching their heads. Now, it seems work on the software could take as long as an additional ninety days, moving the final release well into spring of next year. (Source: ) What is Windows Server 2008 ... (view more)

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Symantec Boss Blasts OneCare Pricing

We hope you're not too shocked by this one: someone recently referred to Microsoft as a 'monopoly'. Got back on your feet? Good. Because, jokes aside, respected security firm Symantec Corp. is lashing out at big 'ol Microsoft for its pricing of ... Windows Live OneCare, the Redmond-based company's first foray into the preventative software market. In terms outlined by the media, Symantec Chairman and CEO John Thompson called Microsoft's low-ball pricing "monopolistic." In exact terms, Thompson was quoted to have said, "I don't want to say it was monopolistic, but it looked that way to some of us ... (view more)

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Security Firms Unearth Another Sony Rootkit

Just how convenient is a USB memory stick? Very. Just how likely is it that your computer could be infected if you use one? Depends on the maker. Not so long ago, 2005 in fact, Sony faced a mountain of controversy when it reportedly used rootkit ... software to spy on users. That case involved the prevention of music piracy, with Sony halting the resale of its artists' discs by secretly installing copy protection programs on CDs sold to the public. Although there might be a few in the music industry capable of defending such a tactic, few will appreciate this news. According to researchers at a ... (view more)

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Microsoft Brings Us SP1

After a long wait and much speculation, Microsoft has finally announced plans for its upcoming service pack, SP1 for Windows Vista. Unearthing details on Wednesday, the Redmond-based company revealed it will be launching the update over the course ... of a 90-day period, with the SP1 beta test planned soon. What is SP1? SP1, or Service Pack 1, is the first major update to Microsoft's newest operating system, Windows Vista. It's a critical "patch", if you will, and may lure more of the tech world's cynics to a troubled OS that could, and should, be the next wave in its market. And so, some of our ... (view more)

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Halo 3 Ready to Roll

And now for the news many gamers have been waiting for: Halo 3 has gone gold. No, a video game didn't just win an Olympic medal. Instead, it's gamer-speak for a title's imminent release. It means Bungie's next, and likely final release in the Halo ... universe will indeed make its planned ship date of September 25. (Source: ) In case you're some newbie Wii gamer, Halo 3 resolves the conflict between humans and the "Covenant", an outer-space alien race. Players take control of the main character, Master Chief, a tough-as-nails cyborg intent on preventing our virtual eradication. The ... (view more)

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Good Reasons to Ditch Hotmail, Gmail

For those of us who use Yahoo Mail instead of the stiff competition from Google and Microsoft, we've been waiting on the company's new version for some time. It's now ready, and there are plenty of new features to win over Gmail and Hotmail users. ... Before the Yahoo Mail beta was initiated, the original service was nothing less than an eyesore. To date, it's still used on my parents' old computer, which languishes behind in the ever-changing tech environment. However, I've personally been using Yahoo's beta since it started, and will be amongst the first who can use its many new features. So, ... (view more)

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GPS Get Lost, Say Cabbies

It seems just about every week our lovable Bill Lindner discovers a new "Big Brother" plan in the tech universe. Most of the time, it has something to do with Microsoft or Windows Vista, but in this case the culprit is rather unexpected. Global ... Positioning Systems, or GPS, have been devised to help people, not hurt them. Right? Not according to New York City's abundant taxi driver population. The New York Taxi Workers Alliance (NYTWA), comprising some 10,000 cabbies, alleges that GPS allows management to spy on drivers. They're threatening to strike unless GPS technology is removed forever ... (view more)

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Apple Selling Hand-Me-Down iPhones

Can't afford one of those flashy new iPhones in the window? Try a refurbished version of the device, now being offered by Apple Inc. itself for $100 less than retail. The service has been available since last Monday, when Apple began displaying the ... popular iPhone (4GB edition) for just $399. Those customers interested in a bit more space can also save $100, with the 8GB version knocked down to $499. It's not a new business practice for Apple, which typically sells its wares second-hand for discounted prices. Most, such as the iPod, Apple TV, and its computer hardware come with a one-year ... (view more)

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Wal-Mart Wows With $0.94 Music Downloads

You didn't expect retail glutton Wal-Mart to sit idly by while iTunes, Napster, and the new LimeWire shared in all the legal download dollars, did you? Of course not. That's why it's very little surprise that the omnipresent American chain has ... announced it will be going online in a big way when it comes to music. Like its deals on anything from t-shirts to tea, Wal-Mart has begun offering bargain basement prices for downloads to a variety of devices, including the Apple's iPod, iPhone, and Microsoft's Zune. Just how low can Wal-Mart go? To 94 cents, apparently. That's the price of the average ... (view more)

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Windows Home Server Hardware Prices Leaked

Oh Amazon, you're such a blabbermouth. The popular online retailer recently revealed just how much consumers can expect to pay for hardware running Microsoft Corporation's upcoming Windows Home Server (WHS) software. The slip of the mouth took place ... last Monday, even though servers using Microsoft's product aren't expected to hit stores until the 15th of September. According to these whispers, prices for start at a measly $599 USD. Amazon wasn't alone in the revelation, however. Other online retailers let loose details and prices, including PCMall and So, what's in the bounty? The ... (view more)


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