Brandon Dimmel

Dennis Faas's picture

Back to the Arcade for Microsoft

Still pondering which console to buy for the kids (or yourself) this holiday season? Microsoft just made its bid with the official release of the Xbox 360 Arcade, retailing for just $279.99. A couple days ago I reported on Sony's attempt to woo ... gamers to its system by dropping the price of its 40GB PlayStation 3 to $350, and its 80GB edition to $500. That prompted one PC World journalist to suggest that it was about time everyone gave the Blu-ray, WiFi-packing console a chance. But, what does a PC World writer know about console games, anyway? In Microsoft's favor, the Arcade introduces a ... (view more)

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Symantec Warns to Update Now

Just this week Adobe patched a major problem with its Acrobat and Reader programs. The issue? Flaws that could allow malicious exploits. Now, it seems hackers are using the precious time between update release and update download to unleash a flood ... of malicious code. According to Symantec Corporation, the exploits are still alive and well for the bulk of users yet to update. "This mass mailing of exploit files may be an attempt to leverage the exposure window between patch release and widespread adoption of the fix," they said. What should Adobe users be on the lookout for? Symantec warns ... (view more)

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Adobe Acrobat and Reader Repaired

Whether you're aware of it or not, Adobe's Acrobat and Reader programs recently exposed Windows XP users to nasty malware exploits. Thankfully, Adobe Systems Inc. has now announced that a patch has been made available. The new fix is included in ... vital updates to Reader, the company's free PDF utility, and Acrobat, its fleshed-out, full-featured program. Patches to both are unceremoniously named Version 8.1.1. So, who is at risk? The central flaw exposes Windows XP users to exploits taking the form of malicious PDF files. More specifically, the code attempts to disable the Windows Firewall ... (view more)

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Baffling Identity Theft Leads to Arrest

Techie criminals aren't just concerned with pilfering your personal details or uploading incessant spyware ads. They're also regular, dumb thieves who, like the average Quickie-Mart robber, make some incredibly bold and ridiculous decisions. It's ... hard not to be floored by the story of Timothy Scott Short, whose brain is clearly not working up-to-size. On the night of October 5, the St. Charles contract office, a division of the Missouri Department of Revenue, experienced a break-in. A thief made off with both a PC and a printer, which together could be used to produce fake driver licenses. ( ... (view more)

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Storm Worm Squashed?

Just when it seemed like those behind the Storm Worm were about to make a big profit off its ability to soak up personal details, a University of California researcher is reporting the virus' imminent demise. According to Brandon Enright, network ... security analyst at the U of C's San Diego campus, the Storm Worm has actually been shrinking in size and impact since sometime during this past summer. He says that despite the immense publicity surrounding the virus, it may soon cease to present a legitimate threat to computer and Internet users. Enright made the surprising argument at the Toorcon ... (view more)

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Intoxicating Reward Offered for Lost Laptop

Just how much do you value your laptop? Would you be willing to offer free beer for life to anyone who recovered it, if ever lost? That's exactly what one New Zealand brewer is offering after his adored notebook computer was nicked during a ... break-in. As you might expect, the laptop is loaded with important financial details for the owner's Croucher Brewing Company. (Source: ) Also on board the missing notebook are label designs, business contact information, and even ideas for brand new beers. Co-owner of Coucher Brewing Co. and single owner of the laptop Paul Croucher is obviously ... (view more)

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Is a Copyright Tax on Music Downloads Imminent?

If copyright boards in the United States are to ever tax our downloaded music files, we'll have one Big White scapegoat. If and when that day comes, you can BLAME CANADA. I don't mean to be a jerk, but the Copyright Board of Canada has indeed set ... the precedent for similar American bodies to follow. Given the immense popularity of legal downloading sites like iTunes and Napster, there surely is good reason for boards to impose an excise. So, what are the Canadians charging? The tariffs will be charged to companies that legally distribute music over the web. For Canucks, this will mean the ... (view more)

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iPod Touch Not So Handy

News of the iPod's not news. It's not even up for debate, given the worldwide popularity of the device. However, as the globe's most iconic digital music player enters old age (by technology standards), updates to the formula are on the ... way. But, is the fan-dangled iPod "Touch" really worthwhile? According to BusinessWeek's Cliff Edwards, not so much. The tech journalist recently wrote in a review that "the Touch seems mostly an interim gesture," a way to tide over would-be iPhone buyers not amused with unavoidable provider AT ... (view more)

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One Step Forward, Two Back for RIAA?

A few days ago, I reported on the Record Industry Association of America (RIAA) victory over Jammie Thomas, a single mother and the first defendant in a crusade against a parade of supposed copyright offenders. As expected, many anti-copyright ... groups are now emerging to support Thomas in the fight against the increasingly despised RIAA. For those that missed it, Thomas was recently found guilty of "making available" about 24 songs (not even two full records) on Kazaa's now defunct illegal network. That essentially made the songs free and clear to be downloaded illegally by others, and that's ... (view more)

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Is the PS3 Finally Worth Buying?

According to PC World game expert Matt Peckham, it's about time we all got on board and bought a PlayStation 3. After one heck of a miserable year, it seems Sony finally has something going with its big black console. So, what's the reason to jump ... on board now? Price, of course. Although Sony's PS3 once retailed for an astronomical $600, it will soon be available (with 20GB less storage, mind you), for $400. That's the result of yet another price drop coming Friday, November 2. For the record, Sony's 80GB model will also drop in price, from the lofty $600 to $500. (Source: ) Peckham ... (view more)


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