New YouTube Channel - Update

Dennis Faas's picture

Dear Infopackets Readers,

Last Friday I posted an article detailing ideas for a new Infopackets YouTube pilot program.

The videos posted on the new YouTube channel will highlight Microsoft Windows-related remote desktop technical support (provided by yours truly) whereby you email me an issue you're having through our website, I call you to discuss the issue, then I connect to your computer to resolve the problem for you. The phone call and video will be recorded, edited, and then uploaded to our future YouTube channel which currently does not exist.

Below is an update to that announcement.

Surprise! Web Server Hosting Fees Just Doubled

A few days before making the announcement, I received an email from my web hosting company that they would be doubling my dedicated web server hosting fees come November 4th due to "skyrocketing electricity costs," despite having a contract already in place with a fixed monthly fee, and having been with the company for over 10 years.

After some back and forth, the current hosting company generously offered 10% off their newly-doubled price if I paid the entire year of hosting up front. My response was: "No thanks!"

After much research, I found another host and am currently in the process of moving over the entire Infopackets server infrastructure (a dedicated server with a /29 subnet) to all new hardware and all new infrastructure in another country (Germany).

To put it succinctly, this is a monolithic task and will take some time complete.

Newsletter Deliverability Issues

Because I am moving to a new host, I am also forced to acquire a new subnet of IP addresses. This means that I will lose my stellar IP reputation as a legitimate bulk emailer with my current provider, which means that there will be deliverability issues at the new provider until the kinks are worked out.

Based on past experience, it will most likely take 14-30+ days or more to reacquire a new IP reputation. I predict that our email newsletters will get blocked by some email service providers and - hopefully - eventually let through.

YouTube Videos: Need More Ideas, Please

As for the Youtube technical support videos, I am asking that you please send in ideas for videos that you are currently having that can be resolved only using remote desktop support whereby: you email me a concern you have, I call and discuss the issue with you over the phone, then I connect to your PC remotely and resolve the problem for you. Note that I do not offer Mac support - MS Windows only.

Respectfully, I am not looking for emails that are generic enquiries such as "Can you please make a video on how to do this ...", as that does not involve calling you to discuss the problem, connecting to your PC, and then implementing a fix in order to highlight my remote desktop support service.

The whole point in this endeavor is to (a) educate those who have similar, specific issues, (b) highlight my remote support service so that others seeing it on YouTube will email me and ask more questions ... and the entire process repeats. Proceeds from these videos will go toward hosting fees and the cost of living.

Priority (Paid Service) vs Non-Priority (Free Service)

I am offering paid and free service for remote technical support issues.

If you enjoy our website and content, please consider paid service to support our efforts. Paid service inquiries (priority support) will receive a guaranteed email or callback, whereas those requesting free service may or may not receive a response. First time users of the paid service will receive a 50% discount and an option for another 50% discount on a second call if they refer a friend or post a BBB review.

Reminder: No YouTube Channel - Yet

I would like to remind everyone that this is a pilot program. I currently do not have a YouTube channel for the videos because no videos have been made (other than a few that I posted over 10 years ago that are not really related to what I'm suggesting now). I need ideas to follow up on, so please send in your ideas. If not enough interest is generated, than this pilot program may never materialize.

Much thanks for your understanding.


Dennis Faas
CEO | Chief Editor and all-around nice guy

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ronangel1's picture

I suggest you use Rumble instead of YouTube for no censorship problems and annoying ads all the time for non-paid subscribers causing people to cut off and not watch video!