Google's Wing to Fly Online Orders to Your Door

Dennis Faas's picture

Imagine a world where your favorite takeout and essential online purchase items are whisked through the air and delivered right to your doorstep with unparalleled efficiency. Thanks to Wing - the drone delivery subsidiary of Google parent company Alphabet - this vision is becoming a reality.

Autoloader Station a 'Game Changer'

Wing has recently unveiled its groundbreaking "autoloader" station, set to revolutionize the way retailers transport products to customers through the air. Simply put, the autoloader promises to simplify the process of sending goods via drones. Designed as a compact Y-shaped stand, it effortlessly fits into a standard parking space.

Here's how it works: a delivery box is securely hung on the autoloader's hooks by a company employee, who then returns to work. Gone are the days of waiting for the drone to arrive, as the autonomous aircraft swoops down and skillfully snags the package using a specialized yellow hook, seamlessly integrating human convenience with advanced automation.

So, how can such a seemingly minor change have such a monumental impact?

The answer lies in the transformative potential it holds for the entire drone delivery industry. Wing envisions a future where fleets of drones are dispatched autonomously across an extensive network of delivery and charging stations.

By eliminating the need for isolated base stations and enabling a continuous flow of operations, Alphabet is betting that the autoloader ushers in a new era of unparalleled convenience for retailers and customers alike. With the added affordability of autoloaders, a multitude of retailers can effortlessly join this extensive network, expanding the possibilities of drone delivery on a massive scale.

While regulatory limitations have hindered the full realization of drone delivery thus far, the landscape is rapidly evolving. Regulations are maturing alongside advancements in technology which means that millions of people are expected to be within drone delivery range.

Over 340,000 Deliveries So Far

Wing, along with rival companies such as Zipline, Amazon, and Matternet, are at the forefront of this transformative movement. Operating with over 340,000 successful drone deliveries already under their belt, Wing has proven its prowess in Australia, Finland, Virginia, Texas, and beyond.

With no computer controls or moving parts, Wing relies on upward-pointing poles and a string-dangling hook to flawlessly guide the package into the drone's grasp. This ensures a smooth and secure delivery experience.

Imagine the convenience of staying at home and having your desired products delivered right to your doorstep, eliminating the need for time-consuming trips to the store. For workers, the autoloader streamlines the process further, allowing them to simply place the package on the stand and return to their tasks, saving valuable time and increasing productivity.

Extended Network with Wireless Charging Pads

As Wing's delivery network expands, so too will the possibilities for wireless charging pads. By strategically deploying these charging stations, the range of Wing's drones can be extended, unlocking even more remote areas for efficient delivery services.

Even with Wing's operations launching a staggering 1,000 flights a day, the sky remains vast and spacious. CEO Adam Woodworth says that even at full-scale implementation, the number of drones will not overwhelm our airspace. Instead, they will seamlessly integrate into our daily lives, transforming the way we receive goods and opening up new possibilities for convenience and accessibility. (Source:

What's Your Opinion?

Would you use a drone delivery system to deliver goods to your doorstep? Do you think drones are safe enough to deliver packages autonomously? Do you think drones will replace the majority of small item delivery vehicles on the road?

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Wing and a Chair's picture

340,000 deliveries across three continents. That's nothing. What happens when there are millions of deliveries per day? It probably won't work for rural deliveries because of the distances involved and if the drones are dependent on GPS and Google Maps there will be deliveries to the wrong addresses since some rural addresses frequently are not where Maps thinks they are. I think that the final conclusion will be, "Well, it looked like a good idea at the time."

Unrecognised's picture

I already can't stand helicopters. I can't stand the buzzing of drones. I was sitting in a park picnicking with friends one day when a drone came and sat directly above us for several minutes. I followed it 'home' and gave the teenagers responsible a bollocking, but multiply that intrusion by billions if you let these things into the air above your homes. No more possibility of going out into the garden in privacy.

The first thing that will happen is deals struck with companies selling surveillance data with whomever may want it. Government in its various forms: No 1 in the queue. $$$ for people selling the fruits of snooping.

To quote the company, "Say, “fromage"​: Our first flights in Geneva!". Yep. Say cheese; you'll be on cam.