Can I Cancel my Windows 10 Reservation and Reserve Later?

Dennis Faas's picture

Infopackets Reader Jessy R. writes:

" Dear Dennis,

I reserved my free copy of Windows 10 using the 'Get Windows 10' app in the tray bar, but now I'm not sure if I should go through with the upgrade. I think I might wait a bit to see what the response is from the general public before I upgrade to Windows 10. Question: if I cancel my reservation, can I reserve Windows 10 again later? I was about to cancel the reservation the other day but the message box said that I might miss out on the offer to get the free upgrade. What can I do? "

My response:

If you cancel the Windows 10 reservation, you can reserve it again at any time providing that you still have the 'Get Windows 10' app running in the tray bar. I tested this out myself using a virtual machine; I reserved and then canceled the reservation without any problem and the 'Get Windows 10' app continues to run in the tray bar even after the Windows 10 reservation has been canceled. For what it's worth, the only way to remove the 'Get Windows 10' app is if you remove KB3035583 from your Windows Updates.

When will the Free Upgrade to Windows 10 Expire?

As far as I understand, you have from July 29, 2015 until July 29, 2016 to reserve your free copy of Windows 10, providing that your PC qualifies. The only way that you can miss out on the free upgrade to Windows 10 is if you wait more than a year to perform the update. If you wait longer than that, you will have to purchase a Windows 10 license if you still want the upgrade.

Windows 10: Clean Install, Reinstall and Licensing

Once the free upgrade to Windows 10 has been installed onto your PC (via the 'Get Windows 10' app), it is good for the life of the device. You can reinstall Windows 10 as many times as you want (including a clean install) and you will never have to enter in a license code, as it will be registered with Microsoft forever.

Other Questions Related to Windows 10 Upgrade

We've recently answered more questions related to Windows 10, including in-place upgrades and clean installs. Feel free to read more:

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About the author: Dennis Faas is the owner and operator of With over 30 years of computing experience, Dennis' areas of expertise are a broad range and include PC hardware, Microsoft Windows, Linux, network administration, and virtualization. Dennis holds a Bachelors degree in Computer Science (1999) and has authored 6 books on the topics of MS Windows and PC Security. If you like the advice you received on this page, please up-vote / Like this page and share it with friends. For technical support inquiries, Dennis can be reached via Live chat online this site using the Zopim Chat service (currently located at the bottom left of the screen); optionally, you can contact Dennis through the website contact form.

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femakahuna's picture

If I understand your comment above I can do the upgrade to Windows 10 reformat or replace my hard drive and do a clean install of Windows 10 to get a clean install without having to purchase the ISO. Correct?


Dennis Faas's picture

Yes, that is correct. Once your computer is registered with Microsoft after performing an in-place upgrade, your PC's Windows 10 license is stored on their servers and the next time you connect to the Internet, Windows will automatically activate.

So, if you do the in-place upgrade and then change hard drives and reinstall Windows using the 'clean' method, you will be fine. If, however, you perform a major upgrade (such as a motherboard replacement) then your free license will be invalid and you will need to purchase a new one.

jmurphy61's picture

So, your saying that if I have to replace my motherboard due to failure, my only option is to replace it with the exact same one or lose my free Windows 10 license? Is there no option, such as calling Microsoft and explaining the reason for the hardware change, so I could reactivate my license?

Dennis Faas's picture

Replacing the motherboard with the exact same model won't change anything. Each motherboard has their own ID number and that number gets hashed into your license.

That said, Microsoft views a motherboard change as a new computer, as far as I understand. Motherboards are a major component and -most people- that swap out a motherboard are usually upgrading their entire rig, because a new motherboard -usually- means adding a new CPU and new RAM because new motherboard aren't compatible with old hardware. If you want to debate the issue you will have to call Microsoft and ask them if they will give you a new license.

swreynolds's picture

I had no trouble removing GSX with Autoruns.

sakuracnd's picture

Thanks, I did it successfully...Maureen