Brandon Dimmel

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XP Expiry Will Push Firms to Win7, Experts Say

Although prominent tech research firm Gartner recently reported that Windows 7 is "not a major architectural release," it suggests the imminent expiry of Windows XP should push most businesses to upgrade to the new operating system (OS) within the ... next two years. In an October 13th presentation discussing the impact of Microsoft's upcoming Windows 7 (due for release October 22nd), research firm Gartner remarked that Windows 7 is "not a major architectural release," but instead more of an improvement "on top of Windows Vista's architectural changes." In other words, Windows 7 will not ... (view more)

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Win7 Not Worth $120 Upgrade, Critics Suggest

Microsoft's chief software architect Ray Ozzie believes the company's upcoming operating system (OS) Windows 7 can and will make PCs just as slick and cool as their counterparts at Apple. Unfortunately, some early reviews of the OS suggest it might ... not be 'cool' enough to justify a $120 upgrade. In an interview with the New York Times late last week, Ozzie bristled at the idea that Windows 7 might change the way people think about PCs and using Microsoft operating systems -- something that in recent years, thanks to an effective Apple campaign making PC users out to be bumbling fools, has ... (view more)

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Amazon Same Day Delivery: Convenient, But Costly

When you buy something online, sometimes waiting is the hardest part. Waiting several days, a week, or even longer is simply painful for many consumers, particularly as the holiday season approaches -- which is why Amazon announced late yesterday ... that it would begin shipping packages to homes in seven select cities, arriving the same day. Residents of Boston, Washington, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Seattle, and Las Vegas will soon have the opportunity to order and receive goods from in the very same day. It's expected that those living just outside these cities will also be ... (view more)

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'NirCmd', and 'BlinkSync'

NirCmd NirCmd is a small command-line utility that allows you to do some useful tasks without displaying any user interface. By running NirCmd with simple command-line option, you can write and delete values and keys in the Registry, write values ... into INI file, dial to your internet account or connect to a VPN network, restart windows or shut down the computer, create shortcut to a file, change the created/modified date of a file, change your display settings, turn off your monitor, open the door of your CD-ROM drive, and more. BlinkSync BlinkSync is a file and ... (view more)

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Adobe Matches Microsoft with Massive Patch Update

On the same day Microsoft unloaded a record-breaking 34 fixes , eight of which were listed as critical, Adobe has made a similar gargantuan patch offering. The company, best known for its Reader and Acrobat software, yesterday fixed a total of 29 ... vulnerabilities, including one labeled critical. That software covered by the fixes includes version 9.1.3 of both Acrobat and Reader, version 8.1.6 of Acrobat for Windows, Mac, and Unix, and version 7.1.3 of Acrobat and Reader for Windows and Mac. Adobe encourages everyone using its programs to download the update, warning users that if they fail to ... (view more)

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'Google Chrome Operating System', and 'Default Browser'

Google Chrome Operating System The Google Chrome operating system is a brand new, free operating system built around the revolutionary Google Chrome browser. The project aim is to provide a lightweight Linux distribution for the best web browsing ... experience. Default Browser DefaultBrowser allows you set the default web browser for your user profile in Windows XP, without affecting the other users. The list of browsers you see in the Presets are tested and working flawlessly as user defaults. Note that the user interface in Windows XP does not provide an option for ... (view more)

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Police Arrest Woman after Facebook 'Poke'

Shannon Jackson of Hendersonville, Tennessee has been arrested for Facebook "poking" a woman who had filed a legal order of protection against her. The case calls into question the spatial qualities of the Internet and could force today's legal ... system to better define the many unique functions of social networking. It's not yet known why the order of protection was filed against Jackson, but what we do know is that if the poke is classified in the same category as a phone call, email, instant message, or face-to-face visit, she could be on her way to prison for as long as 11 months and 29 ... (view more)

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Pentagon, NASA Hacker to Face Extradition

A British hacker accused of infiltrating computers at NASA and the Pentagon has failed in his most recent attempt to evade extradition to the United States. Gary McKinnon may soon be making his way across the pond to face charges stateside. For some ... time McKinnon has been lobbying London's High Court in a desperate attempt to avoid being extradited to America. Unfortunately for McKinnon, the High Court has refused to even hear the case, pointing out that it did not meet "points of law of general public importance." In other words, the case simply doesn't warrant a halt on the extradition. ( ... (view more)

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'Remote Desktop Manager', and 'KeePass Password Safe'

Remote Desktop Manager Remote Desktop Manager is a small application used to manage all your remote connections and virtual machine. Add, edit, delete, share, organize and find your remote connection quickly. Remote Desktop Manager is compatible ... with Microsoft Remote Desktop, Terminal Services, VNC, LogMeIn, Team Viewer, Ftp, SSH, Telnet, Dameware, X Window, VMWare, Virtual PC, PC Anywhere, Hyper-V, Citrix, Radmin, Microsoft Remote Assistance, Sun Virtual Box and more. KeePass Password Safe KeePass is a free open source password manager that helps you to manage ... (view more)

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'Whatever' America's Most Annoying Word, Poll Says

It means apathy and to a generation of Americans growing up in the grunge era when fashion wasn't so much a statement as it was a hassle, "whatever" has become a very popular word. According to a new poll, it's also the most annoying term any of us ... could possibly use. In a poll conducted by the Marist Institute for Public Opinion, the word "whatever" received 47 per cent, almost half, of the total votes when subjects were asked to choose from a list of the most annoying popular phrases. It beat out equally ambiguous phrases "you know" and "it is what it is," which placed second and third, ... (view more)


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