Brandon Dimmel

Dennis Faas's picture

'Guide to Google Wave', and 'Freelancer Toolset'

Guide to Google Wave Google Wave is a new web-based collaboration tool that is notoriously difficult to understand. This guide will help. Here you'll learn how to use Google Wave to get things done with your group. Because Wave is such a new product ... that's evolving quickly, this guidebook is a work in progress that will update in concert with Wave as it grows and changes. Freelancer Toolset Running a business for yourself means you have to be inventive and always on the lookout for a new and better way to get things done. Innovation junkies, take note: the ... (view more)

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YouTube Unveils 1080p High-Definition Video

Tired of watching grainy videos on the ideal time-waster, YouTube? Then you'll be happy to hear that the Google-owned video-sharing site will soon be releasing content in gorgeous high-resolution 1080p. YouTube announced over the weekend that, ... starting soon, users will be able to upload any video for viewing in 1080p, generally considered the highest resolution and thus best picture quality available today. The site has even posted a 1080p test video in case you're curious about how good high-def videos will actually look. Nothin' Beats 1080p YouTube first made high-definition video available ... (view more)

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'Process Monitor', and 'Okay Keybees'

Process Monitor Process Monitor is an advanced monitoring tool for Windows that shows real-time file system, registry and process/thread activity. It combines the features of two legacy Sysinternals utilities, Filemon and Regmon, and adds an ... extensive list of enhancements including rich and non-destructive filtering, comprehensive event properties such session IDs and user names, reliable process information, full thread stacks with integrated symbol support for each operation, simultaneous logging to a file, and much more. Okay Keybees OkayKeybees is a freeware ... (view more)

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'Ars Clip', and 'Mouse Wrangler'

Ars Clip ArsClip monitors the clipboard and keeps track of the entries. Press a configurable hotkey and select an item (or items) to quickly paste into a program. ArsClip used to be very simplistic, but it has become a nicely featured program due to ... user requests for changes. Mouse Wrangler MouseWrangler monitors the mouse while Right-Click is held and keeps track of the movements made. When a set of movements is made, called a "gesture", an action is performed. MouseWrangler can simulate keystrokes, or run programs and files to automate common Windows tasks (like ... (view more)

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Windows 7 Netbook Battery Life Shorter than XP Systems

When Windows 7 first launched back in late October, Microsoft touted the system as more efficient from the ground up -- making for, it said, longer PC battery lives compared to Vista. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem Windows 7 is quite so generous to ... netbook batteries, particularly when compared to its own, decade-old operating system (OS), XP. Just prior to Halloween, Microsoft had some not-so-scary news for prospective PC buyers: Windows 7 will let you get more out of your laptop battery. That wasn't surprising news, considering Vista, the company's much-maligned 2007 OS, was a veritable ... (view more)

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Microsoft Bans Thousands of Pirated Xbox 360s from Xbox Live

In an attempt to curb the rising number of pirated or 'modded' Xbox 360s, Microsoft has unleashed a torrent of attacks upon these hacked systems. According to reports, in the last little while the software company has banned an astounding 600,000 ... Xbox 360 users from its Xbox Live online gaming community. Modding involves customizing the Xbox 360, Microsoft's popular video game console. Those who buy the system can, if they know how, change the operating system, hard drive and other components so that a console is capable of running unofficial copies of games. The allure of modding a system is ... (view more)

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Facebook Groups Hijacked by Control Your Info Intruder

Facebook was infiltrated on Tuesday by an intruder looking to send the message "Control Your Info". The intruder, who might style himself something of a virtual Boondock Saint, didn't cause any significant damage, but instead sought to show people ... that they need to be as careful with their online information as they are with protecting their safety offline. The attack, if you can call it that, didn't target individual users in an attempt to scoop sensitive data. Instead, it went after Facebook "Groups", online organizations within the social networking platform that allow people to join ... (view more)

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Game Launches Amidst Controversy

One of the most anticipated games of all time was released early Tuesday morning, and it's brought some controversy with it. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 simulates the modern war on terror, and as part of that simulation has introduced a level ... where players fill the shoes of a terrorist and slay innocent bystanders. Lively Fox News has been all over this story, calling the game "controversial" from first word that such a level existed. A few months ago, very early footage from the game made its way onto the Internet, revealing a level whereby players shot innocent victims in a recreation of ... (view more)

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'Translate Client', and 'Dvd Knife'

Translate Client Get an instant translation via Google Translate Service by simply selecting text in your web browser and using Translate Client. Usually, translating a webpage or a piece of text can be a tiresome process: you need to visit Google ... Translator website, copy/paste the text, then choose the language. Using Translate Client is a much quicker and more convenient solution. DVD Knife DVD Knife is a simple tool for extracting DVD clips from your DVDs. Only three steps are needed to extract a clip. Today's fresh software picks ... (view more)

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Seized Motorized La-Z-Boy Nets Police Over $10,000

A Minnesota man caught driving a recliner (yes, you read that right) under the influence has seen his beloved chair sold at auction for a surprising sum. Minnesota's Dennis LeRoy Anderson built the chair, which when it was first unveiled boasted an ... estimated retail value of over $43,000. Why? Because the rocket-on-wheels featured not only a comfy seat, but nitrous oxide boosters, stereo, working headlights, "sport" steering (right between the legs), six-speed gear shift, and rear-view mirrors. Oh, and cup holders, of course. (Source: ) The chair is powered by a single ... (view more)


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