Brandon Dimmel

Dennis Faas's picture

Leaked Ad Suggests Nintendo Wii Price Drop

It hasn't been long since Microsoft dropped the price of its Xbox 360 console in anticipation of a hectic holiday season, and now rumors are circulating that Nintendo may be ready to lower the price tag on its super-popular Wii. It's only been a few ... weeks since Microsoft slashed the price of its high-end Xbox 360, the Elite, from $399 to just $299. That's a big drop for a console that has more or less wrapped up second place in the U.S. console sales chart, with most purchases being made by hardcore players impressed with the Xbox 360's second-to-none online Xbox Live network, its long list ... (view more)

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AMD Readies for Win7 with $99 Processor

Industry experts are praising a new quad-core processor from Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), priced at just $99. The new chip could help reverse AMD's fortunes of late by giving consumers a cheaper alternative when looking to build a Windows 7-capable ... machine. AMD is targeting do-it-yourself "system builders" with the new chip, dubbed the Athlon II X4 quad-core processor. Priced at less than a hundred bucks, the chip, AMD says, blends cost efficiency with performance. (Source: ) Microsoft Impressed Microsoft is also understandably impressed with AMD's attempt to bring ... (view more)

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'Qqripper', and 'Qqscan2disc'

QQripper QQripper converts audio tracks from music CDs into digital files so it can be stored on other devices such as hard disk, iPod or MP3 player. Qqscan2disc QQScan2Disc scans multi-page paper and converts it into ... images via PDF (portable document format) and then burns the files onto CD in one key press. Turn tremendously tedious work into a single click and increase production efficiency! Today's fresh software picks were provided courtesy of Bob Helmer at Shell Extension City. Please note that the below software descriptions are ... (view more)

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'Win To Flash', and 'Portrait Professional'

Win To Flash WinToFlash is a program that takes the contents of a CD or DVD and places it onto a USB drive, making it bootable. This is convenient for Windows install and even a Linux LiveCD. Portrait Professional Touch up ... photos like a professionals using Portrait Professional: the automatic portrait airbrushing software. Fast and easy to use, Portrait Professional lets you improve your photos instantly, just by moving sliders. Portrait Professional allows unskilled users to get sophisticated fully professional touch-up in minutes. Today's ... (view more)

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New iPod Nano Snaps Video and Voice, Reviews Mixed

Apple's iPod Nano has two new exciting capabilities, and they're the ones many have been waiting a long time for the Cupertino-based company to introduce. Video- and audio-recording can now be added to the long list of features touted by the ... impressive little device. The Nano's new features were hardly a surprise for most insiders who speculated an upgrade of this kind was due by the end of 2009. However, the Nano's pricing was a bit of a shock, with prices floating around the $179.99 mark for the 16 GB version and $149.99 for the smaller 8 GB edition. New iPod Nano Reviews Mixed Thus Far ... (view more)

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Record-Breaking Credit Card Hacker Pleads Guilty

Record-breaking hacker Albert Gonzalez has pleaded guilty to the largest credit card heist scheme ever. The 28 year old Miami man recently admitted to hacking various computer networks and swiping millions of credit card numbers. Gonzalez, who ... pleaded guilty to a total of nineteen counts of computer fraud, conspiracy, wire fraud, access device fraud, and aggravated identity theft, was not alone in the scheme. He, along with about ten others from across Europe, China, and the United States, had been accused of breaking into computer networks in order to swipe an astounding 130 million credit ... (view more)

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'Predator', and 'Vistumbler'

Predator Predator is a program that can lock-down and protect your PC using a USB flash drive as a key. Vistumbler Create a map of Wireless access points (WiFi) with Vistumbler. It uses the Vista command ... 'netsh wlan show networks mode=bssid' to get wireless information. Vistumbler offers several other cool features, including GPS support, export/import access points, and even Live Google Earth Tracking. Today's fresh software picks were provided courtesy of Bob Helmer at Shell Extension City. Please note that the below software ... (view more)

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'Icon Editor Pro', and 'Recent Folders'

Icon Editor Pro IE Pro is a powerful icon, cursor, animation and icon library editor. Layer support with advanced selection handling makes it a really professional and unique freeware tool for designing small pixel-graphic images. ... Recent Folders Tired of changing folders from one to another by browsing My Computer? Recent Folders can remember which folder you were recently working on. Select your favorite folder from a list just like selecting a file from "My Recent Documents". Today's fresh software picks were ... (view more)

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Best Buy Employees Trained to Push Win7 Over Linux

Thinking about straying from Microsoft Windows to the Linux operating system? Well, you won't get much reassurance from Best Buy employees, who, according to reports, are being trained to push Windows 7 well ahead of a more basic, and cheaper, ... competitor. 'Training Kit' Materials Leaked Recently a Best Buy employee posted pictures of training materials used by Best Buy (which also happen to be supplied by Microsoft) in anticipation of Windows 7's launch date. (Source: ) The problem? Aside from showering Best Buy employees with a discounted version of Windows 7 for their own, ... (view more)

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'Virtual Windows Os', and 'Super Copier'

Virtual Windows OS is a Silverlight-based online virtual operating system. It is a website that simulates an operating system inside your web browser and replicates the desktop environment, giving you the ability to launch ... applications without having to install them on your own PC. NOTE: you will need to download and install Microsoft Silverlight before visiting, otherwise you won't be able to see the virtual desktop. http:/ Super Copier SuperCopier replaces Windows Explorer file copy and adds many new features, including transfer resuming, ... (view more)


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