Brandon Dimmel

Dennis Faas's picture

'Windows Layout Manager', and 'Media Cope'

Windows Layout Manager Windows Layout Manager, or WiLMA for short, is a must-have aid if you have to keep track of many open windows at the same time, even over multiple monitors. The main application has a basic window that allows for the ... management of various layouts. Adding new ones, editing existing ones, configuring the options, all the basic things you can expect from any normal application can be found here. Media Cope Media Cope is multi-functional media software for Windows XP / Vista / 7 that can play audio, video, cut video, convert audio / video, and can ever ... (view more)

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Boston Man Charged $675,000 for Illicit File-Sharing

Last summer unlucky defendant Joel Tenenbaum was just the second individual defendant sued by the RIAA, or Record Industry Association of America, for illegal file sharing practices. His case led to an astounding $675,000 verdict in favor of the ... RIAA, and now a U.S. District judge has affirmed the original result. Tenenbaum, a 25-year-old Boston University student, was in July 2009 found guilty of illegally sharing just 30 files. The result marked only the second time an individual had been sued by the RIAA, who in an equally unpopular earlier legal crusade went after single mother Jammie ... (view more)

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'Seadragon', and 'Win7 Security Compliance Toolkit'

Seadragon Seadragon a nifty online viewer designed for very large images. (from Microsoft Labs) is a free web service designed to view, zoom, pan-into, and share large images on the internet without degrading them or otherwise making ... them smaller. Win7 Security Compliance Toolkit From Microsoft: The Windows 7 Security Compliance Management Toolkit provides an end-to-end solution to help you plan, deploy, and monitor the security baselines of computers running Windows 7 and BitLocker Drive Encryption in your environment. Today ... (view more)

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Microsoft Zero Day IE8 Flaw: Patch Coming Tuesday

Microsoft's next Patch Tuesday fix will solve a reported twelve security flaws, none more important than an Internet Explorer 8 vulnerability that the software company itself has marked "critical", its highest threat level. The next Patch Tuesday ... release is set for December 8, and the fixes it includes patch holes in several versions of Windows, including Windows 2000, XP, Vista, and finally Windows 7. Fixes are also due for Server 2003 and 2008. They'll cover a number of its most popular software packages, including Microsoft Office and its subsidiary programs Word, Work 8.5, and Project. ... (view more)

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'Drive Manager', and 'Win Sonar'

Drive Manager If you have lots of different types of drives, such as mapped network drives, thumb drives (USB memory sticks), smart media and compact flash, then this utility is perfect to help you manage them. Drive Manager has been written to help ... you easily identify drives which are of the same type. As well as displaying the volume label it also displays vendor information so that multiple CD/DVD drives and removable drives such as USB thumb drives can be differentiated by their manufacturers name, version and revision date. Win Sonar Winsonar 2010 is a program ... (view more)

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'Wake Up On Standby', and 'Toff'

Wake Up On Standby WakeupOnStandBy will wake up your PC from stand-by or hibernation mode programmatically. Once activated, it resides in the system and wakes it up at a pre-defined time. It can be programmed to run a file on wake, and if necessary ... sends it into stand-by mode, hibernates it or shuts it down. It can also be used to run scheduled operations every day, or on specific days. Toff This utility will be handy for people who like to leave their computer unattended for some time before automatically turning it off (logging off a user, rebooting it, sending ... (view more)

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Nintendo Thanksgiving Sales Drop; Developer Cites Software

Thanksgiving weekend proved a huge success for many retailers, particularly those with web sites -- and cleaned up on both Black Friday and Cyber Monday, as techies proved unwilling to brace the long lines and nasty parking ... lot traffic jams. Unfortunately, not everyone fared well this past weekend, including previous holiday season heavyweight, Nintendo. Nintendo Console Sales Dip 31% Nintendo's problem is its Wii console, which between Christmas 2006 and Christmas 2008 virtually swept aside all other toys and tech devices in stocking-stuffer popularity. However, it ... (view more)

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'Chrome Shell', and 'Chromium OS For USB Stick'

Chrome Shell ChromeShell is a non-Google affiliated replacement shell for Windows that strips your desktop down to what you really need: the browser. The shell transforms your normal Windows desktop into something akin to the Chrome OS. ChromeShell ... gets from standby to email in less than 3 seconds on a quad core machine and around 32 seconds from cold boot. Chromium OS For USB Stick Like Chrome Shell, Chromium OS For USB Stick is designed to maximize the performance of your PC by stripping away all the unnecessary matter. Download the image using HTTP links on site, then ... (view more)

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MS Black Screen of Death Causes Stir, Issue Unresolved

Since its November 10 security update, reports suggest Microsoft has received more complaints about the Black Screen of Death, than ever before. One security firm is claiming that the update has caused the issue, while Microsoft asserts that the ... problem is neither rampant nor is it the result of the November 10 patch. The dreaded "blacK Screen of Death", otherwise known as KSoD, occurs when a user starts their computer but receives only a black screen rather than their desktop. It means that somewhere during startup process the operating system failed to load properly. The problem is ... (view more)

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'Aero Snap', and 'Yopow'

Aero Snap AeroSnap is a simple but powerful application that allows you to resize, arrange or maximize your desktop windows with just a drag and drop. Simply drag a window to a side of your desktop to snap it, or drag it to the top to maximize. When ... you drag it back to the last position, the last window size will be restored. Yopow YoPoW stands for "Your Photos on the Web" and provides an easy to use step-by-step interface that lets you create a Web Album from your image collection Today's fresh software picks were provided courtesy of Bob ... (view more)


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