Brandon Dimmel

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'TableTextCompare 1.06', and 'CountryTraceRoute 1.15'

TableTextCompare 1.06 This useful utility allows users to make comparisons between two tab-delimited or comma-delimited files. This will give you the ability to draw important comparisons about different sets of data, particularly information ... related to drivers. CountryTraceRoute 1.15 This program allows users to determine the home country of users associated with selected IP addresses. Collected information can be transferred to a spreadsheet application for review. This utility is compatible with most versions of Windows. This freeware software ... (view more)

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'Internet Explorer 10 for Windows 7', and 'Image Tuner 4.0'

Internet Explorer 10 for Windows 7 As the title suggests, Internet Explorer 10 is finally available for users of Microsoft's Windows 7 operating system. To get all of the added performance and security benefits of IE10, click the link below to ... download Microsoft's newest browser. Image Tuner 4.0 Image Tuner is designed to let you easily and quickly resize, rename, and convert your favorite images. It also allows users to add watermarks to their image creations. Image Tuner uses a very intuitive and simple interface and is compatible with most versions of Windows. ... (view more)

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MiniDuke Malware Exploits Adobe Flaw, Uses Twitter

A newly-discovered form of malware can reportedly spread via malicious PDF documents. An infected system can then be controlled via Twitter. Called 'MiniDuke' by security experts, it appears the malware is still very active. Russian security company ... Kaspersky Lab, who recently discovered MiniDuke, said that recovered fragments of the malware had been created as recently as February 20, 2013. That has led Kaspersky researchers to suggest that MiniDuke is still being used to attack computer systems. Hackers Capitalize on Adobe Flaw The malware is reportedly being spread in the form of malicious ... (view more)

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Apple iTunes: UK Boy Racks Up $2,500 Bill

Many of us spend hours playing free video games online, whether it's by downloading them through the Apple iTunes Store, Google Play Store, or some other site / service. But the ability to enhance that gaming experience with "premium" upgrades can ... make "free" games very expensive. The Kitchen family of Bristol, England, recently discovered just how pricy "free" games can be. Mom Sharon was recently stunned to receive an Apple iTunes Store bill for 1,700 pounds, or roughly $2,500. (Source: ) Premium Purchases Rack Up Fast Sharon racked her brain for hours trying to figure ... (view more)

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Court Forces ISPs to Block File-Sharing Sites

A court in the United Kingdom has ordered all Internet Service Providers there to stop providing subscribers access to three well-known file-sharing (or 'torrent') sites, including Kickass Torrents, H33T, and Fenopy. Citing piracy concerns, the UK ... High Court ordered every single Internet Service Provider (ISP) in the United Kingdom to stop providing access to the aforementioned torrent sites. It's certainly a more direct approach than that taken by anti-piracy groups in the United States, which recently unveiled a 'Six Strikes' strategy. ISPs Demand, and Receive, Court Order The ruling ... (view more)

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Dell XPS 10 Easiest Tablet to Tinker With: Report

A few weeks ago I passed along an iFixit report which found that Microsoft's new Surface Pro tablet computer was harder to repair than an Apple iPad. With the Surface Pro employing a battery glued to the frame and more than seventy small screws, ... iFixit was forced to discourage readers from ever opening the device for home repairs. Now, iFixit has released a new report that ranks tablet computers based on their 'repairability.' Important factors considered in determining a repairability score include the number of screws and amount of glue used to keep a device together. Surface Pro, iPad 2-4 ... (view more)

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'Right Click Enhancer 3.2', and 'EditPad Lite 7.2.3'

Right Click Enhancer 3.2 This program enhances the menu that appears when you right click on an item. Right Click Enhancer allows you to pick and choose what operations appear when you press the right clicker on your mouse -- it's a simple idea but ... one that will save you lots of time! EditPad Lite 7.2.3 EditPad Lite is a compact, easy-to-use text editor. It has a number of useful features designed to make editing text extremely simple and those features include a tabbed interface for accessing multiple files, unlimited undo and redo, and automatic backup. http://www. ... (view more)

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'NConvert 6.3', and 'BB FlashBack Express'

NConvert 6.3 NConvert is a handy batch utility designed to help you quickly and easily convert your favorite graphic files. It supports more than 400 different graphic formats. NConvert is compatible with Microsoft Windows and Linux operating ... systems. BB FlashBack Express BlueBerry's FlashBack Express allows you to record images and sounds on your computer and then share them with friends, family, and colleagues! It takes just one click to upload homemade movies to YouTube and other video-sharing services. This freeware software ... (view more)

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Mozilla Firefox Mobile Operating System Coming Soon

Mozilla plans on making a splash in the mobile market this summer with the release of its very own Firefox operating system (OS). It's the first time ever that Mozilla has ventured into this highly-competitive sector of the consumer technology ... market. Mozilla says the Firefox OS will be a smartphone operating system based entirely on HTML 5, which is widely considered the most advanced web browser programming language. HTML 5 Could Present Problems The advantage to using HTML 5 is that there are many developers willing to build HTML 5-based applications. The downside is that HTML 5-based ... (view more)

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Windows 7: Internet Explorer 10 Now Available

Microsoft has finally released the latest version of its very own web browser, Internet Explorer 10, for its still-popular Windows 7 operating system (OS). The browser has been available for Windows 8 since that OS launched late last year. Releasing ... Internet Explorer 10 (IE10) as a Windows 8 exclusive was part of an attempt by Microsoft to promote its newest OS. However, with more than 700 million people using Windows 7, the idea of shirking an IE10 release seemed ludicrous. Internet Explorer 10 brings a number of important technical advancements to the table. For one, it offers wider support ... (view more)


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