Brandon Dimmel

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New SimCity Wracked with Technical Problems

SimCity, one of the PC gaming industry's most renowned franchises, has finally received an update. Unfortunately, the new game, while visually attractive, is suffering from some paralyzing technical problems. SimCity is the first game of its kind in ... a decade. If you never played the original (or one of the updates, like SimCity 3000), the game challenges players to build their very own city. Along the way, they must deal with all of the problems faced by city leaders, including crime, natural disasters, and controversial business operations. DRM Presents Problems The problem with this new ... (view more)

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'Run-Command 1.06', and 'NetworkInterfacesView 1.0'

Run-Command 1.06 Run-Command is a small, highly-portable, and easy-to-use alternative to the Run-Dialog program found in Microsoft's Windows operating system. In fact, you'll find a number of improvements here, including administrator functions and ... the ability to label some commands 'favorites.' Click the blue 'Download (50 KB)' text link. NetworkInterfacesView 1.0 This handy tool provides you with a descriptive list of every single network adapter / interface currently installed on your computer. It not only displays the network interfaces that are currently being ... (view more)

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Patch Tuesday: 'Critical' Fixes for IE, Office

Microsoft is reportedly planning to release seven security fixes as part of its monthly Patch Tuesday update. The update includes fixes for four "critical" security flaws. The March Patch Tuesday's seven fixes, four of which are marked "critical" -- ... Microsoft's highest security rating -- represents a decrease from February Patch Tuesday , when Microsoft issued roughly a dozen fixes designed to address almost sixty vulnerabilities. Internet Explorer Vulnerable to Drive-By Attacks Nevertheless, there are some important fixes for Microsoft users this time around. The most important is being ... (view more)

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'Undelete 360 2.16', and 'BrowsingHistoryView 1.25'

Undelete 360 2.16 As the name suggests, this program will help you recover data that has been unintentionally deleted from your system. It uses a very fast algorithm to search and recover lost files. Even files lost due to virus infection can be ... found and restored using this program. Click 'Download 1.94 MB'. BrowsingHistoryView 1.25 This great new utility provides you with the browsing history of up to four different Internet browsers, including Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Apple Safari. The information is presented in a table ... (view more)

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Microsoft, Google Execs Dominate Billionaires List

A recent Forbes report reveals just how much money can be made in the lucrative consumer technology business. Forbes' annual list of the world's wealthiest people is largely dominated by executives from the tech industry's biggest firms, including ... Microsoft and Google. Sitting atop the world's richest people list is Mexican mobile mogul Carlos Slim Helu, who controls Latin American firm America Movil. Helu's net worth: an astounding $73 billion. Gates, Ballmer, Allen in Top 60 Not far behind is Microsoft chairman Bill Gates , who is worth a reported $67 billion. A short jump down the list to ... (view more)

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Seniors Who Play Video Games Less Depressed: Study

Personally, I find video games both relaxing and a lot of fun. And it appears that this isn't just the case for thirty-somethings like me; in fact, a new study shows that seniors who play video games are less likely to become depressed. Researchers ... at North Carolina State University recently studied the impact video games had on people aged 63 and older. Researchers separated the study's subjects (whose median age was 77) into three groups: regular gamers (who play games once a week), occasional gamers (who play games less than once per week), and people who never play video games. Senior ... (view more)

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Staples Introduces New Windows 8 Trade-In Deal

Interested in trading in your iPad, Macbook, or older Windows device for a Windows 8-based computer? Then head on over to Staples, where the retailer is offering up to $400 for older Microsoft and Apple devices. Here's how the deal, which Staples ... calls "Trade up to touch," works: People who buy a Windows 8-equipped touch screen device -- including tablets, all-in-one PCs, or laptops -- from Staples can qualify to trade in an older computer and receive up to $400 off the purchase of their new Windows 8 device. Windows, Apple Devices Qualify for Trade-In Those interested in the deal will need ... (view more)

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How to Access Microsoft Office On An Apple iPad

We recently received this email from an Infopackets reader: "Hi there Infopackets, I'm one of many iPad owners who want to use Microsoft's Office software suite on Apple's tablet device. Is there any way to get access to programs like Excel and Word ... while using an iPad? Thanks so much, John T." My response: Great question, John. For the time being it doesn't appear Microsoft has any plans to release an Office app for the Apple iPad or iPad Mini. (Source: ) However, there are ways to access popular Office software while using Apple's slate. In fact, there are several applications ... (view more)

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'MailStore Home 8.0.2', and 'CloudOn 4.0'

MailStore Home 8.0.2 Most of us have been using email for years. That means we've accumulated many, many messages and in many cases we've done nothing to properly organize those emails. MailStore Home is designed to help you archive and backup your ... email collection. CloudOn 4.0 This program gives Apple iPad users the ability to access and use their favorite Microsoft Office programs, including Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. This program is absolutely free for personal use and is also compatible with Google Android-based devices. This freeware ... (view more)

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Anonymous Launches 'Operation Wall Street'

Hacktivist group Anonymous is preparing to wage a new and expansive war on America's major financial institutions. In what it calls "Operation Wall Street," Anonymous says it will carry out attacks designed to expose "the crimes of Goldman Sachs" ... and other, similar firms. "It should be the duty of any Anonymous, any hacker, in solidarity with Occupy, to release the Dox on the CEOs ... (view more)


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