Brandon Dimmel

Dennis Faas's picture

'Smart' Watches: The Next Hardware Trend

The 'smart' watch may be the next frontier in high-tech hardware. At the moment, it appears a number of technology heavyweights -- including Apple, Google, and Samsung -- are all working on their own touch screen-enabled devices. Several weeks ago ... rumors emerged suggesting that Cupertino, California-based Apple was working on a touch screen wrist watch that could be integrated with the company's iPhone. Those rumors were based on Apple filing a patent application called the "Bi-Stable Spring with Flexible Display." (Source: ) Samsung Confirms Smart Watch in the Works In ... (view more)

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Microsoft Windows Store Reaches Major Milestone

Microsoft's Windows Store has hit a new plateau: 50,000 applications. It's an impressive start for the Windows Store, though there's a long way to go to match similar stores from Apple and Google. Although the 50,000 app level is impressive, ... statistics show that the number of applications being submitted by developers each day has actually declined from late last year. (Source: ) Back in December 2012, shortly after the Windows 8 launch, the Windows Store received about 400 new applications each and every day. However, by February 2013 that number was closer to 150. Microsoft ... (view more)

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Apple Patent Seeks to Protect Dropped iPhones

The only thing worse than paying hundreds of dollars for a smartphone is dropping and breaking said expensive smartphone. Now, it appears Apple is working on a technology that would allow a phone to identify and properly prepare for a fall. A ... recently revealed patent filing by Apple (called "Protective Mechanism for an Electronic Device") describes a number of different ways to protect an electronic device in the event of a fall. The goal: to lessen or eliminate the physical damage inflicted by such a traumatic event. Special Mechanism Used for Safe Landings According to AppleInsider, Apple ... (view more)

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Apple (Finally) Introduces Two-Step Authentication

After a simple yet devastating hack of its security went public last August, Apple has -- just eight months later -- introduced a two-step authentication system. Back in early August 2012,'s Mat Honan was devastated to find that hackers ... were able to gain access to his MacBook, iPhone, and Gmail account after easily bypassing both Apple and Amazon security systems. Hackers Exploit Simple Security Systems Hackers used a simple trick: they called Amazon to request a password change. When prompted by an Amazon representative, they presented Honan's name, billing address, and email ... (view more)

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'Ghostery 2.9.3', and 'Windows 8 Transformation Pack 7.0'

Ghostery 2.9.3 This handy add-on from Mozilla for the Firefox web browser allows you to keep track of Internet tracking on sites like Facebook. Ghostery allows you to block scripts, delete shared objects, and shows you the best ways to protect your ... privacy online. Windows 8 Transformation Pack 7.0 Interested in Windows 8 but not yet sure if it's worth the upgrade? This program will transform the look of your Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 operating system so that it appears remarkably similar to Windows 8! This freeware software program ... (view more)

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'Surf Anonymous Free', and 'TSR Watermark Image'

Surf Anonymous Free This program is designed to protect your privacy. It hides your Internet activity, making it virtually impossible for someone to steal critical personal information. Bank account data, private photos, and other sensitive ... pieces of information are all made safe from prying eyes. TSR Watermark Image Protect your original images with TSR Watermark Image. This is a free program that can be used to add a digital watermark to any photograph or picture. You can adjust the watermark's transparency, size, and shape using this handy ... (view more)

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Microsoft: The FBI Is Spying On Our Customers

Two weeks ago Google revealed that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had been spying on its customers using National Security Letters that don't even require the approval of a U.S. judge. Now, Microsoft says the FBI is using the same ... strategy to snoop on its customers. National Security Letters (NSLs) are written documents issued by the FBI that force companies, including Internet Service Providers (ISPs), to hand over various types of information, including credit card details, banking data, and addresses, phone numbers, etc. NSLs Used to Access Microsoft User Accounts According to ... (view more)

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Microsoft Partners Bribed Foreign Officials: Report

According to reports, United States federal officials are investigating claims that people with ties to Microsoft paid foreign officials to use Microsoft software. The United States Department of Justice and the Security and Exchange Commission are ... reportedly investigating these bribery allegations, which pertain to Microsoft activity in China, Italy, and Romania. The allegations were originally shared with U.S. officials last year. Business Partner Told to Bribe Chinese Officials At the time, a Chinese citizen with business ties to Microsoft was told by a representative of the Redmond, ... (view more)

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'HDClone Free Edition 4.2.4', and 'AutoHotkey'

HDClone Free Edition 4.2.4 Quickly and efficiently clone an entire hard disk using HDClone Free Edition! This program can be used to migrate an existing installation to a new hard disk. That way, if there's a system crash, you can easily rescue your ... stored data. AutoHotkey This free, open-source utility is designed to help you create customizable key and mouse commands. It allows you to create hotkeys for a keyboard, joystick and mouse. Using this program, virtually any key or button or combination of keys and buttons can become a hotkey command. http://www. ... (view more)

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Microsoft: Install Windows 7 SP1 Or Lose Support

Microsoft has rolled out Service Pack 1 (SP1) for its Windows 7 operating system (OS) as an automatic update. The firm is also encouraging those with automatic updates turned off to manually download SP1 as soon as possible. A 'Service Pack' is a ... collection of important security and functionality updates for a particular operating system. Microsoft first rolled out Service Pack 1 for Windows 7 just over two years ago, in February 2011. SP1 Automatically Downloaded and Installed However, since that time Microsoft has only made SP1 available via manual installation, meaning Windows 7 users were ... (view more)


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