Brandon Dimmel

Dennis Faas's picture

'Mirror Backup', and 'Event Log Explorer'

Mirror Backup Mirror is portable backup program and is multi-threaded so it has little to no impact on system resources. Only files and folders that have been added/modified are copied, so disk writes are held to a minimum with the result being a ... much faster backup compared to traditional methods. Event Log Explorer Event Log Explorer is an effective software solution for viewing, monitoring and analyzing events recorded in Security, System, Application and other logs of Microsoft Windows NT / 2000 /XP / 2003 operating systems. Event Log Explorer greatly extends ... (view more)

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'ASCII Scan', and 'Eraser'

ASCII SCAN ASCII Scan is a special filter that extracts text from files that are not otherwise human-readable. Uses include: Viewing hidden text in EXE, DLL, PDF, and salvaging information from corrupt data. Once a file is processed with ASCII Scan, ... you can copy/paste the results into any word processor or text editor, including Notepad. Eraser Eraser is an advanced security tool for Windows which allows you to completely remove sensitive data from your hard drive by overwriting it several times with carefully selected patterns. Eraser works with Windows 98, ME, NT ... (view more)

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Pulitzer Winner's Political Cartoon App Barred by Apple

You'd think it'd be great to get award-winning cartoonist Mark Fiore's work on your portable Apple device, wouldn't it? Unfortunately, Fiore, who last week won the Pulitzer Prize for his edgy political cartoons, was banned from Apple's App Store ... late last year. Cartoonist App Violates License Agreement According to a report by Nieman Journalism Lab of Harvard University, Fiore submitted a cartoon app to the NewsToons Apple App Store in December. Unfortunately, it was rejected because of a perceived violation against section 3.3.14 of the iPhone Developer Program License Agreement. The issue? ... (view more)

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Mom Sued by Son for Hacking Facebook Account

Snooping Moms take note: hacking your kids' Facebook account, even to make sure they're not hanging around with the wrong crowd is most certainly not cool. In fact, one 16-year-old from Arkansas was so incensed at his Mom's nosing around that he's ... decided to sue her for harassment. Denise New of Arkadelphia, AR decided something needed to be done about her son when she found evidence on his Facebook "wall" of a 95 mph speeding incident (the issue, of course, was connected with a girl). (Source: ) Concerned, New successfully infiltrated her son's Facebook account, allegedly changed ... (view more)

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'IE9 Hardware Acceleration Demo', and 'WinBubbles-Lite'

IE9 Hardware Acceleration Demo Internet Explorer 9 is said to have many improvements, including the ability to offload rendering jobs to the graphics processing unit (GPU). This will improve performance and general responsiveness of viewing web ... pages by a significant margin. Hardware acceleration is going to be the next big thing for web browsers, so check out this demo. WinBubbles-Lite In just few clicks, WinBubbles-Lite will let you access the most important Customization functions of Windows 7 and Vista easily. The powerful utility includes a built-in Graphical ... (view more)

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Apple iPad: Weak WiFi Tops User Complaints

Apple's iPad may have sold hundreds of thousands of times over the course of its opening weekend, but that doesn't mean the new device is without its problems. Already Apple is feeling the sting from hundreds of user complaints about the iPad's weak ... WiFi abilities, reports say. "[The] signal is weak, downloading anything is painfully slow and it will drop the signal and go offline every 5-10 minutes," complained user "mbell75" on Apple's support forum website early last week. WiFi Trouble Forum Grows at Rapid Pace In the past week and a half, a thread entitled "Weak wifi" has accumulated 547 ... (view more)

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Microsoft Kills Support for Early Editions of Vista

Microsoft has announced that it will no longer provide support for the first retail version of Windows Vista, which was released to manufacturers (RTM). The move is intended to force early adopters of Windows Vista to upgrade their systems using at ... least Vista Service Pack 1 or 2. Microsoft made the announcement on Vista RTM Tuesday. According to a spokesperson for the Redmond-based firm, "Today, Windows Vista RTM has reached end of support... End of support means that customers can no longer receive support benefits from Microsoft and will need to upgrade to a supported service pack (Windows ... (view more)

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'TinyMe', and 'Disk Space Fan'

Tiny Me TinyMe is a minimalist distribution of the Linux operating system aimed at making your computing experience as bloat- and lag-free as possible, while giving you an up-to-date operating system. This is perfect for those of you who using older ... computers that are not fast enough to run the latest edition of MS Windows, or who want a minimal Linux-based environment. Disk Space Fan Disk Space Fan is a freeware and it is a nice disk space analysis tool for Windows. It helps you to free up disk space by quickly finding and deleting big, useless files. It displays disk ... (view more)

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'Ghoster', and 'CAPshift'

Ghoster Having multiple windows open while doing work (such as surfing online or plugging in numbers in Microsoft Office) can be confusing when switching between windows to copy and paste information, for example. Ghoster is an exciting new program ... that helps with this type of experience by dimming all windows except the active one. CAPshift Have you ever pressed the caps lock on your keyboard by accident and not found out until half-way down a page later? CAPshift extends the Caps Lock key by slowing it down, and shows a menu to change the selected text to ... (view more)

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Major Flaw Exposes Windows Users to Java Vulnerability

Less than two weeks after Microsoft patched a significant zero-day flaw in its Internet Explorer web browser, it's come to light that a Java vulnerability in the software company's Windows operating system (OS) could compromise PCs if they visit a ... particular web page infected with malicious code. Thus far, two researchers working for different security companies have reported on the matter. Late last week, Tavis Ormandy, an engineer for Google, covered the issue in the Full Discloser email list while Ruben Satamarta, an engineer at Wintercore, discussed the issue on his company's web site. ... (view more)


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