Brandon Dimmel

Dennis Faas's picture

'How To Block Bad Websites', and 'Fcontext Tweaker'

How To Block Bad Websites According to the author, "There are many ways to block bad websites and unwanted content. I break this guide into three different ways to prevent your PC from being infected by accidentally visiting a malicious or ... compromised website." Fcontext Tweaker Fcontext Tweaker is a windows utility which allows Microsoft Windows Vista and Windows 7 users to edit , add and delete editable items from right click context menu in Vista and Windows 7. Note: You must be logged in as a user with administrator access to use this program. http ... (view more)

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Production Issues Bottleneck iPad, Report Suggests

Sales of Apple's new iPad tablet device have been impressive so far. So impressive, in fact, that Apple was forced to delay shipping the device outside of the U.S. because it simply couldn't keep up with demand. Well, now there's word that the ... problem is the touch screen display, which suppliers say is a complex and difficult to manufacture tool. The iPad's touch screen, produced by LG Display Co., Samsung Electronics Co., and Seiko Epson Corp., is a lot like the display of the iPhone. At 9.7 inches it's a lot bigger, making the production process infinitely more complex and difficult. "We ... (view more)

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'X-Mouse Button Control', and 'Google Government Requests'

X-Mouse Button Control This very cool program provides application-specific mouse button mappings, which means one application can use the mouse differently from another. This is useful for games which do not inherently support the extended mouse ... buttons, because you can map keys to each button. Google Government Requests Google regularly receives requests from government agencies around the world to remove content from its services, or provide information about users of our services and products. The interactive map shows the number of requests along with ... (view more)

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Spammers Hack Gmail Accounts, Flood Contacts with Pharma-Junk

It's no secret: Gmail (along with Yahoo! Mail and Hotmail) users face the wrath of spammers all the time. Fortunately, most of that virtual junk mail ends up in a designated spam bin, never to be bothered with. However, a recent report suggests ... spammers may now be hacking gmail accounts to get their message across. "The Gmail team takes security very seriously and is investigating the reports we've seen in our user forums over the past few days," Google noted in an announcement on Tuesday. "We encourage users who suspect their accounts have been compromised to immediately ... (view more)

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'Second Shell', and 'TCP Optimizer'

SecondShell SecondShell is a handy shell enhancement that offers several features to easily manage the size and position of opened window. Use keyboard shortcuts to quickly extend a window horizontally or vertically without maximizing it over your ... entire desktop or minimize a window by simply right-clicking on the title bar. You can also freely move or resize windows by holding down the ALT key and click-dragging your mouse anywhere within the window (no need to grab the edges or title bar). Works with XP, Vista, Win7. TCP Optimizer The TCP Optimizer is a free, easy ... (view more)

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McAfee Update Crashes 'Hundreds of Thousands' XP PCs

A recent security update from antivirus company McAfee has resulted in an estimated "hundreds of thousands" of crashed Windows XP computers. The issue appears to be widespread, causing PCs to crash, freeze, or be stuck in and endless reboot loop, ... thereby rendering the PCs completely unusable. The impact of the malicious update thus far has been staggering. According to the University of Michigan's medical school, almost 1/4 of its PCs (8,000 of 25,000) crashed after the update was applied. The Lexington, Kentucky police force reported shortly afterwards that it had been forced to ... (view more)

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'Glint', and 'NiceCopier'

Glint Glint is a nifty program that will helps to keep track of system activity. It does so by changing its indicator's brightness in response to changing values of corresponding system performance counters. NiceCopier ... NiceCopier replaces Windows Explorer file copy, it adds many features like pausing and resuming, and it calculates the best copy speed. Its main goal is to improve the copy organization and GUI. A great new tool. Today's fresh software picks were provided courtesy of Bob Helmer at Shell Extension City, in partnership with ... (view more)

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Google Tablet Rivals iPad with Cloud, Open Source

It's rumored that Google is close to launching its own rival for the Apple iPad tablet device. Google's tablet computer will reportedly blend an e-reader with the multi-functional and very popular Android operating system (OS). Google Opts For ... Android Operating System The choice of operating system is certainly a surprising one, given that Google has been pushing its own Chrome OS, due sometime this year. The reason the Chrome OS won't be a part of Google's tablet is actually pretty simple: Chrome will be extremely slim, offering only minimal software support and the Chrome Internet browser. ... (view more)

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Infected XP PCs Won't Be Patched, Says Microsoft

Having a rootkit (virus) installed on your PC is a bad thing. That's because by definition, rootkits are specialized malware programs that are stealthy in nature and are near-impossible to detect and remove. In searching for a solution, however, ... it's understandable that infected PC owners would look to a software company like Microsoft to fix a problem affecting its operating system -- in this case, Windows XP. Unfortunately, that's not the case for many users with PCs suffering from the Alureon rootkit virus. Microsoft Update Causes Infected PCs to Crash Alureon, or Win32/Alureon.A, infects ... (view more)

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Analysts: PC Sales to Surge in 2010; Intel Posts Record Q1

Just when it looked like the standard PC -- desktop or notebook -- was being crushed under an avalanche of portable devices like smartphones, e-readers and tablets, the personal computer (PC) market appears ready to make a surprising comeback. Intel ... Posts Record First Quarter The revival of PCs can be seen in a number of recent sales releases. Earlier last week, PC chip maker Intel, the world's leading manufacturer of personal computer processors, announced staggering first quarter sales. Intel noted that its revenue topped $10 billion, with its total profit a remarkable $2.4 billion. It's ... (view more)


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