Brandon Dimmel

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Asus Challenges iPad with Win7 Eee Tablet PC at Computex

Less than two weeks after Hewlett-Packard (HP) announced it would not be using Windows 7 on its upcoming Slate tablet PC, hardware producer Asus says they're willing to step up to the plate and offer their Eee Pad (tablet PC) hosting Windows 7. HP ... announced early last week that it would not use Windows 7 due to underwhelming touchscreen capabilities. HP says it will instead go with the webOS (operating system) when Slate ships this October. Asus Eee Pad Boasts 12" Screen, 10-Hour Battery, Win7 Stepping in to defend Windows 7's compatibility with tablet computers is Asus, who recently ... (view more)

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'Five Best Computer Diagnostic Tools', and 'Ram Map'

Five Best Computer Diagnostic Tools Computers are easier to use and more dependable with each new generation of hardware and operating system update, but that doesn't mean they're problem-free. Here's a look at the five most popular tools for ... troubleshooting your computer problems. Ram Map Ram Map graphs exactly how Windows is assigning physical memory, how much file data is cached in RAM, and how much RAM is used by the kernel and device drivers. A great tool for keeping tabs on how your system is performing. Today's fresh software picks ... (view more)

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Hurt Locker Producers Sue BitTorrent Downloaders

Those who have downloaded the Oscar-winning movie "The Hurt Locker" via BitTorrent may soon find themselves in a world of hurt, as the film's producer has now filed a lawsuit against 5,000 BitTorrent users. The Hurt Locker emerged from obscurity ... this past March when it won several commendations at the 82nd Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director for Kathryn Bigelow. The film, which is based on the travails of a fictional American bomb squad stationed in Iraq, beat out favorite and top-grossing movie of all time, Avatar. Low Turnout Attributed to Piracy By contrast ... (view more)

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'SView5 3.01', and 'AbiWord 2.8.5'

SView5 3.01 SView5 is a program that can display images, convert and process them. Originally this program was developed on Amiga computers and later ported to Windows, Linux and Embedded Systems. AbiWord 2.8.5 AbiWord is a ... free word processing program similar to Microsoft Word. It is suitable for typing papers, letters, reports, memos, etc. It is designed to integrate perfectly with the operating system it runs on. It will take advantage of the functionality provided by the system, such as image loading or printing capabilities. This freeware ... (view more)

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'Namebench', and 'Beep'

Namebench Namebench is a program that hunts down the fastest DNS (domain name servers) available for your computer to use, resulting in a quicker connection to the web site you're attempting to connect to. Namebench runs a fair and thorough ... benchmark using your web browser history, tcpdump output, or standardized datasets in order to provide an individualized recommendation. Namebench is completely free and does not modify your system in any way. Beep Nullsoft Beep is a fun application that makes your computer sound like older computers sound like in the movies. It ... (view more)

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Facebook Privacy Changes Under Attack

Even as Facebook constantly adjusts its privacy settings to make critics happy, privacy groups remain convinced that the site can do much more to protect the personal information of its many, many members. In a series of recent interviews, Facebook ... critics have launched new but familiar tirades against the site. Criticism of Facebook has been mounting over the past year. Privacy groups have sent a reported three letters to federal regulators claiming the site's executives are guilty of illegal activity -- including exposing user information to third parties without consent -- and they promise ... (view more)

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Microsoft Project Natal to Ship Oct 26, Rumor Suggests

Microsoft's Project Natal , which features motion-feedback gameplay similar to the Nintendo Wii and and connects directly to the Xbox 360 console, appears to be shipping October 26, 2010. That's if you believe a recent report, which also says the ... add-on will cost about $150 USD. The ship date and the price have both been suggested by UK gaming magazine, Edge. The $150 price tag actually conflicts with older reports that Microsoft might try to get the device down to around 50 UK pounds, or $72 USD. The new price isn't going to provide the "impulse buy" sensation those earlier ... (view more)

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'Limagito Lite', and 'Advanced SystemCare Free'

Limagito Lite Limagito is file mover software used for automatic moving of files. This file mover automation tool can move, delete or copy files that are added to a specific folder. You can set file and directory filters based on the file ... name, date and size. You can move files from/to local folders as well as FTP, SFTP, FTPS directories and to SMTP. This software offers quite a few features that make the program very flexible and useful for a variety of file management tasks as well as file backups. Advanced SystemCare Free Advanced SystemCare Free ( ... (view more)

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Bach Out as Microsoft Entertainment Undergoes Shakeup

Microsoft has reorganized its entertainment section after word that division president Robbie Bach will retire this fall. Combined with news that another very public entertainment figure, J Allard, is leaving the company, Microsoft has been forced ... to do some major tinkering with the division. Robbie Bach has been a part of Microsoft for over two decades. The 48-year-old became a prominent part of the company after he helped establish the first Xbox game console, released in 2001, as an industry heavyweight. Unfortunately, other Microsoft devices have not proven so popular under Bach's watch, ... (view more)

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Windows 7 Makes Up for Vista, Survey Suggests

Last week it was reported that Microsoft's customer satisfaction rating had rebounded from a 4 per cent drop in 2007 caused by the mess that was Windows Vista. Now, a new study of hardcore techies finds that there's some truth to that report, as ... most people feel prepared to admit that Windows 7 makes up for Vista, by a long run. Last Wednesday we reported that the American Customer Satisfaction Index, or ACSI, had improved Microsoft's mark from a 70 in 2007 -- shortly after Vista's public release in January -- to a 76. Experts pointed to Windows 7, which was released in October of last year, ... (view more)


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