
stevenglen420_5277's picture
Thursday, October 1, 1953
Member for:
9 years 6 months
About me: 
About Me,
Well...Me Loves this Web site so far for sure. And I won't rattle-on but:
About a decade ago + or so was at a friends house in historical Portland Oregon who just got a new computer knowing very little about them and yours truly knowing even less sat down one intoxicated night around the witching hour and somehow put icons on the desk top with my name under them. I've never seen a wet hen before but 'Brother Bob' was madder then one. A few nights later he some how got a young boy (around 18) over to remove the four or twelve icons...FOR A HUNDRED BUCKS.
As he was doing so at the speed of light with-out the use of the mouse with Tom & I standing behind watching in amazement turned to us and said "You guys are to old to know how to work computers" Tom turned to me and said "Told ya Steve" reply was "sxxt Tom you know what when I get back to Salem I'm going renew my library card and get some old computers and I'll talk to you and your brother in six months".
Many books, computers, years and hours later 'am glad' that young boy with his year-or-so older hot-to-trot sister with a bodacious set of knockers near by 'said that to us'.
Now I will copy & paste this to a file so my girlfriend (whom likes to laugh) read this and am hopping you like to laugh too.

Thank You for your web site and now I'll continue the fix for (or attempt there of) 'Sorry your CPU is not compatible'
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