
Breck753_14737's picture
Sunday, February 21, 1954
9552 Poudre Canyon Rd, Bellvue, CO. 80512
Member for:
3 years 10 months
About me: 
Small business owner (A1 Wildwater, & artist (painting). I use my own programming which I write myself which I have done since 1984. I write in Rbase for dos as it does almost everything I need for my business and I do not have to upgrade or change much (until now). I have thousands of programs which are very specific for my business and situation. I have gotten the database to run in windows for 38 years now but it is 16 bit program which runs in 32 bit windows up through win 10. Now 64 bit windows won't run it so I am trying to figure out how to use virtualbox and put win 10 32 bit as op system in the virtual box because it runs my printers and networks and will still run my rbase. I have recently sent you an inquiry about this. Thanks. RB
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