
Dennis Faas's picture

Expand, Collapse and View Outline Headings: MS Word

As you begin to add text in MS Word, the paragraphs of text might make it hard to see the outline structure in Outline view. You can collapse your outline to view only headings of a certain level or higher, and you can expand and collapse individual ... portions of the outline to concentrate on a single area. In Outline view, headings have a plus or minus symbol to the left, and normal paragraphs of text you have added are designated by a small square. Click a number button on the Outline toolbar to collapse the outline to show only headings at that level and higher. Collapsed text underneath ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Importing from a Word Outline: MS PowerPoint

How many times have you been asked to give a presentation based on an existing report or other document? If you can import the document into MS Word and convert its headings to Word's default "Heading 1" style, the rest is a piece of cake. Outlines ... in Word can be imported directly into PowerPoint in either of two ways: From inside Word, choose File | Send To | Microsoft Office PowerPoint. From inside PowerPoint, choose File | Open and in the Files of Type box, choose All Outlines. When you import an MS Word document, Level 1 headings (formatted "Heading 1" in Word) turn into the titles of new ... (view more)

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