
John Lister's picture

Nearly 1-in-10 Webpages Disappear in a Year

More than a third of webpages have disappeared in the past 10 years according to a new study. Eight percent of pages that existed last year have already gone. The figures come from the Pew Research Center, exploring what it calls "digital decay" and ... other sources have called "link rot". (Source: ) Pew's researchers looked at a random selection of URLs which were active at various points over the past 10 years. On average, a quarter have now gone. Naturally there's a downward trend, with 38 percent of pages active in 2013 now unavailable. Even with pages active as recently as ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

How can I Recover Pictures, Videos from a Mobile Phone?

Infopackets Reader 'Lagrangestacy' writes: " Dear Dennis, How can I recover a video from today that was deleted from my phone? " My response: You didn't mention which phone you have, so I will provide general information on file recovery for mobile ... phones using a PC. First and foremost: mobile phones use either micro SD memory card to store data, or internal phone memory, or both. Depending on where the deleted video is stored, you can try to use your Windows PC to recover the files. You can either: a) Take out your micro SD card in your mobile phone and attach it to the ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Kim Dotcom Furious After Megaupload 'Data Massacre'

One of the world's largest hosting providers has deleted more than 600 servers with links to controversial filesharing service Megaupload. The action has caused Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom to angrily lash out at the company responsible. LeaseWeb, ... which is based in Europe, provides a wide range of hosted infrastructure features, including dedicated server hosting and cloud storage options. LeaseWeb previously leased more than 600 servers to Megaupload, a filesharing site owned and operated by New Zealand's Kim Dotcom. Megaupload has been at the center of a legal firestorm since last year, ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Undo Delete Review

Synopsis: Take full control of your PC! Undo Delete allows you to restore lost or accidentally deleted data in only a few seconds -- without the need to understand complexities of the Windows File System. Undo Delete helps you browse the content of ... your disk like you do it in Windows Explorer; restore full branch of folders containing selected files, or entire folders. Supports all Microsoft Windows file systems (FAT, FAT32, NTFS) for hard drives and floppy drives, memory drivers, and more! Undo Delete: Screenshots Click to view: Page 1 | Page 2. Undo Delete: Features Recovery from broken or ... (view more)

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