
Dennis Faas's picture

'Rainbow Folders', and 'V-Grep (Visual Grep)'

Rainbow Folders Rainbow Folders is a unique application that allows you to change the color of any icon representing any folder. This can help improve your ability to organize data while adding some visual flair to a boring desktop. ... V-Grep V-Grep (Visual Grep) is an easy to use, feature-rich application that brings a well known program from the Unix world ("grep") to MS Windows. Featuring "regular expressions" (regex), vgrep is a powerful tool that allows the user to search and extract specific text in all files. This is an extremely ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

'V-Grep', and 'Paint Star'

V-Grep V-Grep is an easy to use while feature-rich application that brings regular expressions power to Windows users. Even in DOS you could use 'masks', to speed-up searching for files. Masks are special types of strings that with the help of ... reserved characters; for example: an asterisk and question mark allow you to easily describe complex patterns. Sounds complicated? It isn't. A very simple expression '*.txt' describes every string that ends with '.txt' phrase. Regular expressions use basic concept of masks, but they add even more special characters that can represent definite number of ... (view more)

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