
Dennis Faas's picture

How to Fix: Error Exporting VM on Virtualbox (OVF) to VMware

Infopackets Reader William B. writes: " Dear Dennis, I am running a server virtual machine inside of Virtualbox and it's been quite slow. I've read that VMware Workstation has twice the performance (roughly). Out of curiosity, I tried to export my ... current virtual machine in Virtualbox using the Open Virtualization Format (.OVF or .OVA) but I get an error every time I try to export: ' Could not create the exported medium Server-disk001.vmdk (VERR_IO_CRC) .' I am not sure what to do and would like to export this virtual machine off of Virtualbox so I can give VMware Workstation a try. " My ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

How to Fix: Upgrade Win10 VM to 11 (MBR to GPT, VMware)

Infopackets Reader Calli P. writes: " Dear Dennis, We own a heating and cooling business and have a server that uses a Windows 10 virtual machine on VMware workstation. The virtual machine runs a program called ESC Connections Server that allows us ... to book appointments (among other things) from our workstations and also remotely on our phones. The ESC Server and virtual machine are both mission critical. That said, I understand that Windows 10 will only be supported until October, 2025 and would like to upgrade it to Windows 11. The problem is that our virtual machine was built using the MBR ... (view more)

John Lister's picture

Tool Bypasses Windows 11 Upgrade Requirements

A third-party tool can help users get round some of Microsoft's restrictions on upgrading to Windows 11. It won't remove Microsoft nagging, however. Although Windows 11 is a free upgrade for Windows 10 users, three main restrictions mean some people ... may not be able to get it. The first is a series of hardware minimum specifications, with even some relatively recent computer processors judged inadequate by Microsoft. The second is the need for a Trusted Protection Module (TPM), a hardware device aimed at boosting security. Many computers either don't have a TPM or have it disabled by default, ... (view more)

John Lister's picture

'Windows 12 On The Way' Story Proves Shaky

Reports that Microsoft is already working on Windows 12 appear to be little more than a joke that got out of hand. The reports trace back to a Twitter post by a security blogger. Check out Google News or other aggregation sites and you'll find a ... wide range of tech websites of varying credibility running headlines about Windows 12 being in development now, soon or "next month." Many of them reference a post from German site Deskmodder, which gives the March date and says Microsoft is recruiting staff. It gives some extra detail, though it doesn't make a lot of sense through automated ... (view more)

John Lister's picture

Microsoft Steps Up Nagging To Win11 Upgraders

Microsoft is testing another new way to nag users running Windows 11 on unsupported devices. It's another development in the company's dilemma over user upgrades. As we've previously covered, the upgrade requirements for Windows 11 have proven a ... sore point for many users. Many relatively recent machines that run Windows 10 fine don't make the cut, even though the changes in Windows 11 are largely about the user interface. Related: Some Windows 11 Users Must 'Sign' Disclaimer MS Gives More Detail On Windows 11 Compatibility Trusted Platform Module Required for Windows 11 In particular, many ... (view more)

John Lister's picture

Microsoft Nags Windows 11 Upgraders

Microsoft is testing a warning message for users running Windows 11 on unsupported machines. It's the first time such a warning has appeared after an upgrade rather than before. The situation with upgrades to Windows 11 has been complicated to say ... the least. Microsoft originally annoyed many users by insisting the upgrade was only available for machines with certain specifications and features. Some of these, such as a hardware component called a Trusted Protection Module (TPM v2.0), aren't on even some recently-manufactured PCs. Microsoft later clarified that "incompatible" machines can be ... (view more)

John Lister's picture

MS Gives More Detail On Windows 11 Compatibility

Microsoft has released its Windows 11 eligibility checker tool. It now gives more detail on why a computer might not be ready to run the new system. The app in question is officially titled "PC Health Check" though that's a little misleading as it ... doesn't relate to whether the computer is currently working OK or has any serious problems. Instead it checks whether the computer is eligible to run Windows 11. It's available using this link: The original version a few months ago didn't give much detail other than whether the PC " ... (view more)

John Lister's picture

Windows 11 Compatibility Still An Issue

Microsoft will soon start telling Windows 10 users directly whether they'll be able to upgrade to Windows 11. It also looks likely machines that don't meet the specifications will be upgradeable but without any support. Users can already check for ... compatibility using a dedicated "PC Health Check" tool. However, Microsoft is now using Windows Update to send direct messages to users who are in the Windows test program. (Source: ) Specifically the messages are going to those in the "Release Preview" channel, which means they can access new versions of Windows when Microsoft ... (view more)

John Lister's picture

Windows 11 Compatibility Test Confuses Users

A surprise requirement for Windows 11 has left many users fearing their computer may not be compatible with the new system. The need for a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) has led to a price spike for the component, though there's no real need to panic ... or pay over the odds right now. The requirement came to light when Microsoft published a downloadable PC Health Check tool that told users whether their PC met all the hardware requirements for running Windows 11, which is due for release later this year. That led to a lot of confusion with users seeing the answer was "No," but the tool not saying ... (view more)

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