
Dennis Faas's picture

'Wiki Taxi', and 'SE-Explorer'

Wiki Taxi Did you ever want to take Wikipedia with you while you are offline? Call on WikiTaxi: a portable application that delivers the Wikipedia of your choice to wherever you go. WikiTaxi enables you to read, search, and browse Wikipedia offline. ... No Internet connection is needed; all pages are stored in a WikiTaxi database. Because Wikipedia is constantly growing, WikiTaxi uses compression to make sure that the database stays reasonably small. The huge English Wikipedia easily fits on a 8 GB memory stick. SE-Explorer Replace standard Windows Explorer with SE- ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

GPS Get Lost, Say Cabbies

It seems just about every week our lovable Bill Lindner discovers a new "Big Brother" plan in the tech universe. Most of the time, it has something to do with Microsoft or Windows Vista, but in this case the culprit is rather unexpected. Global ... Positioning Systems, or GPS, have been devised to help people, not hurt them. Right? Not according to New York City's abundant taxi driver population. The New York Taxi Workers Alliance (NYTWA), comprising some 10,000 cabbies, alleges that GPS allows management to spy on drivers. They're threatening to strike unless GPS technology is removed forever ... (view more)

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