
Dennis Faas's picture

'Pidgin 2.10.2', and 'Homedale 1.23'

Pidgin 2.10.2 Pidgin is an easy to use chat client already in use by millions. It allows a computer to connect to AIM, MSN, Yahoo, and other chat networks -- all at once. Pidgin runs on Windows, Linux, and other UNIX operating systems. It's free and ... contains no ads. All the code is open source and licensed under the GNU General Public License. Homedale 1.23 With Homedale, you can easily monitor the signal strength of multiple wireless access points. The software displays a summary of the information associated with all the access points available to you, including their ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

'Pidgin 2.7.2', and 'OutlookStatView 1.16'

Pidgin 2.7.2 Pidgin is an easy to use and free chat client used by millions. Connect to AIM, MSN, Yahoo, and more chat networks all at once. Pidgin 2.7.3 is out and contains some important crash fixes. Pidgin runs on Windows, Linux, and other UNIX ... operating systems. OutlookStatView 1.16 OutlookStatView scans your Outlook mailbox and displays statistics about the users that you communicate with via emails. For each user/email, the following information is displayed: The number of outgoing messages that you sent to the user (separated by to/cc/bcc), the number of incoming ... (view more)

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