
John Lister's picture

WinXP Lasts 10 Minutes Before Becoming Infected

An unprotected Windows XP machine lasted just 10 minutes online before being infected. It was an extreme and arguably unrealistic experiment, but does show just how prevalent online threats are. YouTuber Eric Parker carried out the test with a ... virtual machine running Windows XP. A virtual machine is a machine that lives inside of another machine, which makes it appear as if the virtual machine is a separate, physical computer. It's often used by people running two operating systems on the same computer. In fact, this website runs as a virtual machine. At any rate: it's no secret that running ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Microsoft Cuts Windows 8 Price, Offers Free Office

Microsoft has slashed the price of Windows 8 and Windows RT licenses for tablet computers in an effort to drive up interest in its latest operating system. The firm has also revealed plans to include free Microsoft Office software packages with new ... tablet devices running Windows 8.1 or Windows RT. Microsoft OEM division vice president Nic Parker made the announcement at the Computex trade show taking place in Taiwan. Licensing Costs for Manufacturers Slashed Parker says the discount will apply to devices running Windows RT and Windows 8.1 / Windows Blue , the updated version of Microsoft's ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Facebook Alumnus Behind Legalize Weed Campaign

A former Facebook developer has donated $100,000 to help Proposition 19, a California-based initiative seeking to make marijuana legal in that state. 30-year-old Sean Parker was one of the original developers of Facebook when the social networking ... site emerged in 2004. Proposition 19 is part of California's Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act 2010; residents of the state will vote on the measure on November 2 when they head to the polls to decide on a new governor and congressman. They'll also get the chance to vote on the legalization of marijuana. (Source: ) Parker No ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

The Drunk Driving Video Game

The video game industry has long been the target of crazed lawyers and out-of-touch politicians. Now, a new game simulating drunk driving -- yes, drunk driving -- is sure to raise some more eyebrows. But not so fast: don't expect to turn your ... Wii-mote, tilt your PS3 pad, or jam on the trigger buttons of your Xbox 360 any time soon. Called "Booze Cruise," the game sounds like an extremely irresponsible "Grand Theft Auto" clone. However, it's actually meant to be an educational tool. In fact, it was developed as a school project by University of Calgary professor Jim Parker and ... (view more)

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