
Dennis Faas's picture

Link Excel Data as a Table: MS Word

Another method for linking Excel places the worksheet cells in a Word table. To do this, you insert the Excel selection as HTML (the universal text format used on the Web). Linking Excel data as a table offers two advantages: You format it using the ... familiar techniques you use with any Word table. Of course, you wouldn't want to change the numbers (although you could). Changes you make in the table do not affect the Excel workbook though. The information is lined so that it automatically reflects any changes made in the original Excel worksheet. Links are automatically updated when you open ... (view more)

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How to use an RSS Reader

"Extra, Extra, Read all about it!" The corner Newsy has long since gone, replaced by the Newsstand with its wide variety of publications and sensational headlines hoping to attract the attention of a passerby. Times have changed, and with them, so ... have ways of communicating. To keep up with the events and happenings in the world of today, we often visit our favorite 'newsstands' via the web. If we visit one or two news sites on a regular basis, it's not difficult to keep track of events. A capable browser and set of bookmarks take care of that problem; but when there are a dozen or ... (view more)

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Internet Fraud

The term Internet fraud refers to any type of fraud scheme that uses email, web sites, chat rooms or message boards to present fraudulent solicitations to prospective victims, to conduct fraudulent transactions or to transmit the proceeds of fraud ... to financial institutions or to other connected with the scheme. Identity theft schemes Most Internet fraud is done through the use of stolen credit card information which is obtained in many ways, the simplest being copying information from retailers, either (online or offline). There have been many cases of hackers obtaining huge quantities of ... (view more)

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Links won't Open?

Infopackets Reader Leonard M. writes: " Dear Dennis, I sure hope you can help with this one -- My web page links will not open properly in Outlook Express (OE). Often times, I'll try and click a link in an email, and it just opens a blank window and ... goes no further. The links simply won't open! I had to copy and paste your web address into the Internet Explorer (IE) address box in order to get here -- and it's a royal pain in the butt! I am thinking that maybe my Popup Stopper or Spyware programs have done something to my system and I'm not sure how to get the link functionality back. ... (view more)

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FeedDemon Review

Email newsletters, like, are historically the method I use to keep up with technology information. Once my email address is subscribed, the newsletter publishers deliver their information to me on a predefined delivery schedule. In ... addition to email newsletters, I'm finding myself reading more content from news feed channels, called RSS. What is RSS? RSS stands for Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication (depending on who you ask), and is a markup language similar to HTML code used to construct a web page. RSS works by organizing text information in a way which makes ... (view more)

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Infopackets Email Newsletter Format

It's been two weeks since the newsletter format has been changed to include "teaser" feature articles and a link to the rest of the story online. Over the weekend, I received a few disheartening emails with regard to the format change. Gan Soon B. ... in South East Asia writes: " Dear Dennis, I am writing to you to register my concern with the new format of your newsletter. Recently, I noticed that you have switched to a format which require users to go online to view the full contents of the newsletter. I figured that you have a valid concern for using that format, and so I didn't ... (view more)

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Free TTF Font packs?, Part 2

Recall -- Because fonts are in such high demand, many of the so-called font web sites on the Internet are clouded with links to popup ads and flashy banners. In the last issue of the Gazette, I asked Readers if they knew of some font web sites which ... were easy to use and offered free fonts without the clutter of advertisements. Free TTF Font packs? Since then, I've received quite a few good suggestions. Dave W. from Pheonix, AZ. writes: " Looking for free fonts? I was steered to ExtremeFonts last year [after reading an issue of] Lockergnome. ExtremeFonts is one of the better fonts sites ... (view more)


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