ip address

Dennis Faas's picture

How to Fix: Computer Name Won't Resolve on Network (April Update)

Infopackets Reader Steve J. writes: " Dear Dennis, Last week two of my systems (one a PC, the other a laptop) upgraded to Windows 10 version 1803, otherwise known as the 'April Creators Update' version of Windows 10. Ever since then, I can't access ... my laptop from my PC, though my PC can see the laptop. If I try and access either one directly, Windows 10 says it can't find the computer. Also my remote desktop protocol (RDP) no longer works. Researching ' network unc path april creators update broken ' in Google reveals that this is an incredibly widespread issue. Can you please help? " My ... (view more)

John Lister's picture

Lookalike Domain Names Yet Another Browser Scam

A security firm says efforts to make the Internet truly global could make scams easier. It also says a program for registering domain names in numerous languages can be abused for scam purposes. The issue involves the Internationalized Domain Name ... (IDN) system. This builds on the original Domain Name System (DNS) that helps 'translate' a web site name (such as www.infopackets.com ) into an IP address. These numbers then identify the location of the server, which then allows communication between the server and client machines (such as a web browser) to take place. The basic Domain Name System ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

How to Fix: Win10 April Update: RDP, Mapped Drives Broken

Infopackets Reader Robert G. writes: " Dear Dennis, I own two computers that automatically upgraded to Windows 10 17134.1 , dubbed the ' April 2018 Update '. Ever since the upgrade to 17134.1, my remote desktop (RDP) and mapped network drives no ... longer work. Also when I click on File Explorer -> Network to view my shares, it says it can't find the computer on the network. It's strange because I can access computer A from computer B, but not the other way around. I have been trying to fix this for over 3 days now and no one on the Internet seems to have a solution. Can you please help me ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

How to Fix: Can't Connect to Domain Controller (DNS Does Not Exist)

Infopackets Reader Sam G. writes: " Dear Dennis, I hope you can help! I own a small business and we recently purchased a new, refurbished Server computer running Windows Server 2012 R2 DataCenter. I have set up the server as a domain controller, and ... now I'm trying to connect to the domain using my PC here at work - however, every time I try to connect, it gives me the error ' DNS name does not exist. (error code 0x0000232B RCODE_NAME_ERROR) '. Of course the error message is much longer than that. I am not a network administrator and admittedly not very knowledgeable when it comes to Windows ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

How to Fix: Remote Desktop: Another Connection is in Progress Error

Infopackets Reader Sal S. writes: " Dear Dennis, My company runs a network of computers. Some of the computers run Windows 10 with 64 GB of RAM and VMWare Workstation (which run virtual machines). I use Windows Remote Desktop (RDP) to manage these ... 'Windows 10 Servers' remotely. Recently I had to install Oracle VirtualBox on the main Windows 10 server, and now I cannot connect to it using RDP - I have to use TightVNC instead. When I try and connect using remote desktop (RDP), I get an error message: ' Your computer could not connect to another console session on the remote computer because you ... (view more)

John Lister's picture

Internet Piracy Warning Program Ditched

A controversial program of warning letters for suspected copyright infringers has been dropped. The organization behind it says it was a successful education program but critics say it failed to have much impact. The "Copyright Alert System" was set ... up by the Center for Copyright Information, made up of the main producers of TV shows, movies and music in the US. It struck a deal in 2013 with the five largest Internet providers to send up to six warnings to customers after the copyright holders made a complaint of alleged infringement. The precise format was up to the Internet firm, ... (view more)

John Lister's picture

Smart Devices Likely to Cause Internet Congestion

One of the key figures in the creation of the Internet has warned that adding billions of gadgets with online connections could mean a slower Internet for many users. Vint Cerf said users need to enable a newer Internet addressing system to get the ... best results. Cerf is sometimes referred to as one of the "fathers of the Internet." He played a key role in the creation of ARPANET , the military network that established many of the technologies that were later at the heart of the Internet. Cerf also helped design the basic system by which Internet data is broken into small pieces, ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

How do I Change my IP Address (IP Banned)?

Infopackets Reader Elaine Y. writes: " Dear Dennis, How can I change my IP address? I ask because every now and again I try and email my friend (with a yahoo email address), but Thunderbird keeps telling me that my IP address is being blocked and ... can't send my email. Any ideas why I'm being blocked? Better yet, any idea on how I can change my IP address so I'm not blocked? " My response: This is a good question and the situation (at least for me) comes up often enough, so it's worth explaining. Also, I couldn't seem to find a single article on the Internet that explains how this happens (at ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Web-Wide Scan Reveals Shocking Security Weaknesses

In one of the most spectacular research projects ever carried out online, an anonymous security researcher has scanned the entire Internet for security holes. They found that millions of devices have no password protection whatsoever. The project ... was simple in concept: the researcher tried to contact and then access devices by trying every possible IP (Internet Protocol) address using IPv4, a system by which every device connected to the Internet uses 12 digits as identification. This means that IPv4 allows for a maximum of around 4.2 billion IP addresses. The researcher tried to contact ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

'Six Strikes' Anti-Piracy Program Now In Effect

A new anti-piracy program, which gives users six warnings for suspected violations, has now taken effect. However, some experts worry that the program will have little effect on Internet piracy. The plan is the work of the Center for Copyright ... Information, a partnership of the major US industry associations in television, movies, and music. The group has reached a deal with the five largest Internet Service Providers (ISPs), including AT ... (view more)


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