
Dennis Faas's picture

1 Click Sweep Review

Synopsis: Need a quick and easy way to clean out your computer? 1 Click Sweep is the answer! With 1 Click Sweep, you can quickly and conveniently remove leftover temporary Internet files, Internet Address files, favorites, offline files, recently ... opened documents, and clipboard content -- plus much more! 1 Click Sweep also includes government approved methods for completely wiping a hard drive clean (perfect if you ever wanted to sell an old hard drive or pass it on to the kids)! 1 Click Sweep: Screenshots Click to view: Page 1. 1 Click Sweep: Features Privacy Protection: Clean auto complete ... (view more)

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Display Modem Lights for Dialup Connection in Tray bar?, Part 2

Recall -- Yesterday, Andy P. asked if there was a freeware program that could display the send and receive activity of his internal modem: " I use a dialup Internet connection from AOL. Before I upgraded to Windows XP, I ran a wonderful utility ... called 'FMLights' which allowed me to view the Send and Receive activity internal modem. Unfortunately, FMLights is not compatible with Windows XP, and I can no longer view my network traffic when I'm connected to the Internet ... If you can recommend a freeware application that displays my modem lights and is compatible with Windows XP, that ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Dial Up Access

Dial-up Internet access is an inexpensive but relatively slow form of internet access in which the client uses a modem to dial the internet service provider's (ISP) node, a dialup server type such as the Point-to-Point Protocol and TCP/IP protocols ... to establish a modem-to-modem link, which is then routed to the Internet. It is now regarded as legacy technology given the advent of widely available broadband Internet access in the Western world. Dial-up Access: Availability Dial-up requires no additional infrastructure on top of the telephone network. As telephone points are available ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Conceiva NetRanger Review

Synopsis: Want to know what's happening to your computer while it's connected to the Internet? Designed for both new and experienced users, NetRanger is *the ultimate* companion for getting detailed knowledge about your computer's network and about ... internet web sites, hosts and IP addresses -- and is also a fantastic tool for analyzing a potential Spyware attack! Advanced features such as ping, trace route, whois, host and port scanning, finger and POP mail checking are all integrated into an easy-to-use interface. If you're always on the Internet, NetRanger is a must-have tool! NetRanger: ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Windows Control Panel

The Control Panel is part of the Microsoft Windows graphical user interface (GUI) menu. It is accessible from the Start Menu, which allows users to view and manipulate basic system settings and controls, such as: adding hardware, adding/removing ... software, controlling user accounts, changing accessibility options, and more. The Control Panel is accessed by going into Start -> Settings -> Control Panel on Windows 95, 98, and Me and directly from Windows XP. Control Panel Categories in Windows XP In Windows XP, the following Control Panel options are present: Accessibility Options: allows ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

'Volume Touch', and ' Internet File Size'

Volume Touch VolumeTouch is a freeware replacement utility for the Windows speaker icon usually located in the bottom right of your screen, next to the clock. With VolumeTouch you can adjust the volume instantly from any application without leaving ... your current work. Internet File Size No more unknown file size downloads. This utility can easily determine file size, type and modification date on the internet. Moreover, if your base http or ftp link is encoded, Internet File Size shows real file http or ftp path. (view more)

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Systweak BoostXP2 Review

Synopsis: Is your system running a little sluggish? Want to squeeze a little more juice out of it -- all the while customize and clean it at the same time? In that case, try BoostXP2! BoostXP2 is a comprehensive and easy-to-use Windows utility suite ... that lets you fine-tune Windows and Internet Explorer and makes your computer run faster. Whether you want to tweak your Windows Registry, clean up your hard drive, erase tracks, or increase your multimedia and game performance, BoostXP2's integrated suite of programs can get your system running at peak performance levels. BoostXP2 gives you ... (view more)

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Privacy Guardian Review

Synopsis: Are you a paranoid PC user? Got stuff on your computer that you don't want others to see -- like web sites you've recently visited, media files you've recently opened, or documents recently edited? In that case, you need Privacy Guardian! ... Believe it or not, it's pretty easy for *anyone* to find out what you've been up to (for example: Click Start -& Documents to see recently opened documents, or CTRL + H to see recently visited web sites)! With Privacy Guardian, you'll never have to worry about 'prying eyes' looking over your sensitive data again! Installs in minutes and super- ... (view more)

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Ghost Surf Platinum Review

Synopsis: Scared that your boss might see which web sites you've been visiting? Terrified that your Internet Service Provider (ISP) might profile you for downloading music or videos from illicit file-sharing services? Need a way to surf the web ... anonymously -- all the while protecting yourself against identify theft, hackers, and Spyware? Then stop worrying and download GhostSurf Platinum, today! GhostSurf Platinum ensures your safety online by providing an anonymous, encrypted Internet connection, while other bundled goodies (such as SpyCatcher and TracksCleaner) prevent Spyware from ... (view more)

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VisualWare CallerIP Review

Synopsis: Fact: The moment you are connected to the Internet, your system is vulnerable to outside intruders, even with an anti-hacker Firewall in place! So how would you know if your system is being hacked right now? Answer: using VisualWare ... CallerIP, of course! With CallerIP, you get realtime monitoring information -- visually -- so you can instantly identify suspect activity to *and* from your computer (such as Hackers, Spyware, and Trojans). VisualWare CallerIP is so useful, it should have been renamed to VisualWare Internet "Caller ID"! VisualWare CallerIP: Screenshots Click to ... (view more)


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