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FCC Backs Net Neutrality; Rule-Making Process Begins

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has backed plans to introduce laws on net neutrality . Unfortunately, they face political and legal challenges which appear to have the support of major Internet carriers. In a unanimous vote, the ... five-strong commission agreed to give force to the principles of net neutrality: that Internet providers treat all legal Internet traffic equally . That would outlaw practices such as slowing down access to people using peer-to-peer file-sharing, or blocking applications from running on cellphone networks. The vote doesn't guarantee the rules will come ... (view more)

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Pirate Bay Torrent Site: ISP Terminates Connection

Yesterday brought another major setback for The Pirate Bay, the prolific Torrent site that for years has faced accusations that it enables the piracy of movies, TV shows, video games, and other media. The Pirate Bay's Swedish Internet service ... provider (ISP) Black Internet recently severed the site's connection to the world. The Pirate Bay last made news at the end of July, when a Dutch court ordered traffic to the site be blocked. Although Pirate Bay co-founder Peter Sunde Kolmisoppi referred to the decision as rubbish, it appears Holland was only the beginning of the site's many troubles. $ ... (view more)

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Recession Sends More and More Americans Online

The recession has affected Americans in many ways, forcing people to cut back on their spending and in some cases, out of their homes. According to a new study, it seems that more and more U.S. residents are heading online in search of solutions to ... their financial woes. In the past, community leaders and social workers were relied upon by Americans looking for help during tough economic times. However, today there's an easier way to consult experts for assistance. Americans Hope for Quicker Solutions Online A recent study by the Pew Internet & American Life Project found that most ... (view more)

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Chinese Home PCs Required to Have Spyware July 1

In a move designed to give the government unprecedented control over what users will and will not be able to see on the Internet, the Chinese government reportedly wants all computers sold in China after July 2009 to come pre-installed software that ... automatically censors the Internet. That's not surprising when you consider the fact that China recently ranked number one as the most complete Electronic Police State in the world. (Source (PDF): ) During the twentieth anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre this past week, China reportedly blocked access to websites like ... (view more)

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Spam All You Want, Undetected, for $700 Bucks

Web hosting services in China are allowing anyone to pay about $700 to send out an unlimited amount of spam worldwide. The service, also called "bulletproof hosting," is nothing new in the tech world. The actual intent of bulletproof hosting is to ... allow leniency in the kinds of material that users may upload. Unfortunately, spammers , gambling websites and porn pushers have constantly abused this system to the point where deviant behavior is almost expected. The Ministry of Public Security in China has been cracking down on online gambling sites and Internet pornographers for some time now, ... (view more)

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'Internet Explorer Collection', and 'Google News Timeline'

Internet Explorer Collection Recommended for DEVELOPERS ONLY: Internet Explorer Collection contains multiple IE versions -- from IE 1.0 to 8.0 -- which are standalone so they can be used at the same time. Internet Explorer Collection also includes ... the Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar 1.00.2188.0, providing a variety of tools which make troubleshooting (debugging) websites easier. Warning: we (at infopackets) do not recommend you use any IE browser older than today's current version (including the latest updates). Older versions of Internet Explorer (especially v5, v6 unpatched) are prone ... (view more)

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McAfee '911' Helps Victims Recover from Online Attacks

McAfee has launched a new website designed to help the victims of various cybercrimes fight back against Internet deviants. Dubbed the " Cybercrime Response Unit," it acts a lot like an "Online 911". A victim of an online hacking is left with very ... little options following an attack. On one hand, the thought of calling the police to report a random computer virus is comical, but if the virus is comprehensive enough that it affects a great number of people, the party responsible for its creation should be held accountable. In the U.S., online crimes can be prosecuted by ... (view more)

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Hospital Equipment Infected with Conficker

Recently, the Conficker/Downadup worm infected several hundred machines and critical medical equipment in an undisclosed number of U.S. hospitals. The attacks were not widespread; however, Marcus Sachs, director of the SANS Internet Storm Center, ... told CNET News that it raises the awareness of what we would do if there were millions of computers infected in hospitals or in critical infrastructure locations. It's not clear how the devices (including heart monitors, MRI machines and PCs) got infected. Infected computers were running Windows NT and Windows 2000 in a local area network (LAN) that ... (view more)

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EU Rivals UK over Consent of Behavorial Marketing

According to reports, the European Commission will soon begin an investigation into the British government's use of Internet surveillance. It could result in the government being forced to defend its policy on Internet privacy in front of European ... judges. Ironically, the investigation isn't a result of U.K. data retention laws . The legal action resulted over Internet Service Providers (ISPs) using controversial behavorial advertising without consent from their customers. EU Wants "Clear Consent" from Users According to the report , the European Union (EU) wants "clear consent" from ... (view more)

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PogoPlug: Access Remote PC Files, Easily and Secure

An interesting little piece of hardware promises to eliminate wasted upload time when sharing computer files, while reducing stresses associated with forgetfulness. The Pogoplug is a simple device that remotely accesses and shares files on a home ... computer over the Internet. Users connect the Pogoplug to their home network router (via an Ethernet cable), plug in a USB hard drive into Pogoplug, and the device pretty much does the rest. Leave Your Flash Drive and Worry at Home Since the files from your home hard drive are accessible via the Internet, forgetful people never again have to worry ... (view more)


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