
Dennis Faas's picture

Ka-Ching! Google Buys YouTube for $1.65B

Google is at it again! The company is seemingly on a quest to buy the entire Internet. And that trend continued with its recent purchase of the video sharing website for $1.65 billion in stock. When a corporate buyout takes place, the ... new owners generally attempt to change or compromise their shiny new acquisition in some way. However, that won't be the case with YouTube, according to Google's press release: "YouTube will operate independently to preserve its successful brand and passionate community." Representatives of both Google and YouTube have already made comments about the ... (view more)

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Redesigned Google Reader: Very Cool

Late last week, Google released a significantly redesigned version of its RSS Reader, aptly named "Google Reader." The new design improves Google's previous Reader, which was criticized for its unconventional format and instability when it was ... introduced last October. (Source: What is an RSS Reader? Google is promoting it's newly revamped product as "your inbox for the web," which is a great way to think about how an RSS (Rich Site Summary) reader works. An RSS Reader is, quite simply, a software application or a hosted service that collects syndicated content (such as news content ... (view more)

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Google Releases Copyright Statement

Not long ago, "Google" was added to the Oxford English Dictionary as a verb -- a move that signalled Google's dominance in the search engine industry and recognized the fact that the word "Google" is sometimes synonomous with "search" or "find" when ... it comes to online activity. However, the company has recently come under attack for copyright related issues. On Tuesday, Google posted a blog entry entitled "Our Approach to Content" defending their practices. The blog, authored by David Eun, VP of Content Partnerships, notes Google's vision of organizing world-wide information and making it ... (view more)

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Google Submits to Belgian Court Ruling

Google made an unexpected u-turn this past Saturday when they published a copyright infringement ruling regarding their (Belgian) web site. (Source: ) Earlier last week, Google was found guilty of copyright infringement. The ... Belgian court ruled that Google was required to stop publishing content from Belgian newspapers without prior consent or payment. The court also demanded that Google post the ruling on the site. (Source: ) On Friday, Google lost their appeal to overturn the court's ruling. Although Google initially agreed to stop publishing Belgian ... (view more)

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Google Introduces News Archive Search

Google has been more than just a search engine for a long time now. Just look at the recent roster of fabulous services and software housed under its banner: Gmail, the Google Pack , free Internet , the Gdrive , Google Toolbar , book downloads , a ... search engine for the blind , spreadsheets , free web hosting , and more. And that's only a small sampling of the many pies Google has gotten a slice of. Now the House of G is adding something new to its proverbial plate, thousands upon thousands of newspapers, magazines, and publications are now at your fingertips with the company's latest addition ... (view more)

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Google Booksearch Offers Free Book Downloads

The world's bibliophiles have a new place to consume their daily intake of literature as Google Book Search now offers free book downloads available in PDF format. The company announced last week that it will provide free PDF downloads of public ... domain classic out-of-copyright titles that users can view at their leisure. Books that are being offered for download include all titles published before 1923 in the US, and feature such classics as Dante's "Inferno," Aesop's "Fables," Shakespeare's "Hamlet" and Ferriar's The "Bibliomania." The PDF download carries a watermark that identifies the ... (view more)

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Google's CEO Joins Apple's Board of Directors

Apple announced this past Tuesday that Google CEO Eric Schmidt has been appointed to the company's board of directors. Schmidt will still remain CEO of Google. Steve Jobs, Apple's CEO praised both Schmidt and Google saying that "Eric is obviously ... doing a terrific job as CEO of Google, and we look forward to his contributions as a member of Apple's board of directors … Like Apple, Google is very focused on innovation and we think Eric's insights and experience will be very valuable in helping to guide Apple in the years ahead." (Source: ) Schmidt brings to Apple 20 years of ...<a href="/news/1535/googles-ceo-joins-apples-board-directors" class="more-link">view more

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Google Gets Picky Over Use of Name

Is Google losing its cool? The company once considered to be the "it" IT organization -- complete with customizable employee cubicles -- is now acting like your mother. Despite its attempts to reach into pretty much every avenue an Internet-based ... company can, Google is surprising some followers by demanding that the public stop using its name in off-hand casual conversation. For example: Let's say you went to a baseball game. A batter recently called up from the minors steps to the plate, takes a good look at a high-outside pitch before pounding the ball into the opposite bleachers. "Wow," ... (view more)

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Google Music Trends Track Music Habits

Google has introduced a new program for Google Talk users that tracks their music listening habits and posts the results online for others to view. Activating Google Music Trends To activate Google Music Trends, users must have a gmail account and ... Google Talk, the search giant's one-year-old instant messaging program. The option for Google to track your music likes is voluntary, and to participate you must check the Google Music Trends option in the Google Talk settings menu. How does it work? Google Music Trends tracks your music preferences by registering each song you listen to via Google ... (view more)

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'Google Talk', and 'Flash Mute'

Google Talk We recommend this highly! Every Saturday for the last 6 weeks we've spent 4 or more hours on Google Talk with a friend in Australia working on a project. We experience no lost connections and great sound quality. Google Talk beats every ... other Internet phone service we've seen! Flash Mute FlashMute is a tool which allows you to mute / unmute Flash Movies loaded in a browser exclusively -- and even all other the sounds produced by the browser. (view more)


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