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Gartner Report Lauds Google Android, Snubs Win7

In a report last week, popular analyst firm Gartner praised Google's Android operating system over the much anticipated release of MS Windows 7 for netbooks. Google Android is an operating system that has been popular with smartphone users for quite ... some time. Recently it was announced that Acer, most admired for their work in the growing netbook market, would equip future systems with this Linux based OS. Android "Snappy", Says Gartner Now, Android is hardly the first netbook system based on Linux, but according to Gartner it is the first to do so with name power. "Android is the ... (view more)

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Click Fraud

Click fraud is a type of Internet crime that occurs in pay per click online advertising. How Click Fraud Works A person or automated computer program imitates a legitimate user clicking on an ad online a web site. The ad is clicked for the purpose ... of generating a charge (per click) to the advertiser. Click Fraud with respect to PPC Advertising Pay per click (PPC) advertising is an arrangement in which web sites ("publishers") display clickable ads from an advertising network in exchange for revenue earned for each ad clicked. Each time a (believed to be) valid user clicks on an ad, ... (view more)

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'Free SSHd', and 'Google Squared'

Free SSHd Free SSHd is a free implementation of an SSH (secure shell) server. It provides strong encryption and authentication over insecure networks like the Internet. Users can open remote console or even access their remote files thanks to a ... built-in SFTP server. Google Squared Google Squared is a search tool that helps you quickly build a collection of facts from the Web for any topic you specify. Facts about your topic are organized as a table of items and attributes (called 'Squares' for fun). Customize these Squares to see just the items and attributes you're ... (view more)

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Google Plans Twitter Search; Spam Likely to Ensue

Google is working on a way to search microblogging sites such as Twitter. But the news has led some experts to warn that such real-time searching might lead to a major flood of spam. Twitter already has its own service allowing people to search any ... term mentioned by any user. However, while these people get almost instant updates of posts from other users, messages don't appear in search results until around 20 minutes after their original posting. Google, which updates in seconds rather than minutes, sees this as a market gap. The independent site Google Operation System notes a line in some ... (view more)

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Bing: Study Finds Ad Advantage, But no Google Killer

According to a recent report, Microsoft's search engine ' Bing ' may be better designed for incorporating advertising than Google. The news comes amidst suggestions that the site's early success was merely the result of short term curiosity on the ... part of web users. Small Sample, Encouraging Results The ad research comes from User Centric, a Chicago-based firm which specializes in the way people interact with computers. It asked 21 people to carry out four searches both Google and Microsoft, then used eye tracking technology to see what they actually looked at. The research found that, on ... (view more)

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Bing vs Google: Initial Thoughts, Brief Comparison

This is turning out to be a big summer for Microsoft: lately the company has been both driving up excitement for Windows 7 and wowing gamers at E3 in Los Angeles, and now the Redmond-based firm has released a legitimate competitor for Google. But is ... new search engine "Bing" any good? The first thing a visitor to will notice is the design. Even on a low-res netbook it's immediately clear that Microsoft wants to bring the allure of its 'Aero' Vista graphics to the search engine's main page. When I visited, Bing greeted me with a lush, blue mountain scene. Quite honestly, it is ... (view more)

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Google Enters Electronic Book Market

Google is set to challenge online retail giant Amazon by selling contemporary electronic books. And unlike Amazon, it will let publishers set the prices. The move is a new development for the Google Book Search scheme, in which the firm scans texts ... so that users can search for particular phrases. While Google does intend to bring in paid access for full editions of some books covered by Book Search, the vast majority of titles in the scheme are either out of print or out of copyright. At the moment, most modern books included in the scheme only have 20 per cent of their pages available for ... (view more)

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MS Bing 'Decision Engine' Official Launch Next Week

Microsoft has officially unveiled the replacement for its Live Search tool. However, the new instrument will be known as "Bing" rather than "Kumo," and is billed as a 'decision engine' rather than a search engine. The working name for the new ... service had been Kumo, but Microsoft eventually settled on Bing despite some problems trade marking the name. The firm appeared to be looking for an active name which could be used as both a verb and a noun, in the same way as 'to Google' has become another way of saying 'to search online'. As we've noted before, the main difference ... (view more)

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MS Kumo Engine to Embed Open Source Technology

Microsoft plans to roll out its new search engine code-named " Kumo " that reportedly improves search results by suggesting more targeted searches capable of bringing users closer to the information they seek. The Kumo team's technology reportedly ... uses open-source software if it's available . (Source: ) Kumo to Compete with Google's Storage Engine According to their blog , Kumo developer Powerset decided to turn to hadoop , a Lucene subproject that runs data-intensive applications on large clusters of commodity hardware. Unfortunately, there was no Hadoop equivalent to Google's ... (view more)

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Revamped MS Live Search to be Unveiled This Week

Microsoft will have a chance to prove that it can do everything Google can do (and supposedly better) when the company launches the revamped MS Live search engine in the next few days. Well, that's the rumor, at least. The new program will divide ... the results into different categories, making it easier for users to conduct Internet searches. The software boasts a left-side panel that lists the categories, past searches, and related queries. (Source: ) Public Reaction Confidential Apparently, Microsoft has started to test public reaction to the software in ultra-selective fashion. The ... (view more)


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