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Bing Turns Up 5X More Malware Than Google: Report

Not sure which Internet search engine to use? Maybe this will affect your decision: according to a new report, Bing search results produce five times more malware-ridden sites than Google search results. The findings come from German antivirus firm ... AV-Test, which says it recently evaluated several search engines, including Google, Bing, Yandex, Blekko, Faroo, Ask Jeeves' Teoma, and Baidu. The security company carried out its tests over a year-and-a-half period and wrapped things up this past February. Popular Twitter, News Topics Used As Search Terms AV-Test used topics found on Twitter, ... (view more)

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Private Drones a Threat to Civil Liberties: Google

Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt has warned that privately-owned drone aircraft could pose a threat to civil liberties. It's a somewhat ironic comment given Google's controversial Street View operations. Schmidt discussed the dangers posed by ... drones in a recent interview with The Guardian newspaper in the United Kingdom. Schmidt says such drones have a long operating range and can transmit data wirelessly to the person controlling them, even passing on live video footage from an on-board camera. At the moment, federal rules allow only approved law enforcement agencies to operate ... (view more)

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Google Lets Users Create Will For Their Data

Google says it will allow users to decide what should happen to their data after they die. It will allow users to have data deleted or passed on to somebody else. The new feature is called 'Inactive Account Manager' and is accessed through the main ... account settings page for your Google account. It's an opt-in service, so it will only take effect if you actively set it up. (Source: ) The feature isn't triggered by your death, but by you failing to carry out any actions that require you to be logged into an account, such as checking emails. You can set the feature to activate after ... (view more)

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Google's Android a 'Trojan Horse,' Microsoft Says

Microsoft and several other prominent technology firms have filed a complaint with the European Commission against Google. The problem, according to Microsoft: Google is using its Android operating system (OS) like a Trojan horse to take control of ... the rapidly-expanding mobile market. At the moment, Android can be found on most tablet computers and smartphones. According to a recent study by Strategy Analytics, roughly 7 in every 10 mobile devices run this highly-adaptable OS. Microsoft is just one member of the FairSearch coalition, which also includes Nokia and Oracle. In total, FairSearch ... (view more)

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Already Fast Chrome Browser Getting Faster: Google

A few weeks back I reported on the addition of spelling and grammar checking to Google's 26th version of Chrome, the search company's low-frills web browser. Now, it appears that Google is promising a serious speed boost with Chrome version 27. ... Specifically, Google says that Google Chrome 27 -- which is currently available in beta form for PCs and Android mobile devices -- will offer a five per cent speed boost over previous versions of the browser. Tests Show Chrome the Speed Leader Given that Chrome is already a blazing-fast browser, that's a substantial improvement in overall performance. ... (view more)

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Google YouTube Joke Tops April Fool's Pranks

The most popular story on Google News' Science and Technology section yesterday: the earth-shattering announcement by Google that it is shutting down video site YouTube after eight successful years. Of course, it was all just an April Fool's prank. ... In a video posted to YouTube (which you can view by clicking here ), Google claims that the site was just one big eight-year experiment designed to find the very best video clip. $500 Reward for Best Video Google "competition director" Tim Liston (who appears to be entirely fictional) says that, with a best video selected, YouTube will shut down. ... (view more)

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Google Chrome Browser Checks Spelling, Grammar

Are you a bad speller? Could your grammar skills use some work? Then you might want to download the latest version of Google's popular Chrome Internet browser. Google's latest version of Chrome includes an in-browser spell-checker that can recognize ... many different types of spelling and grammatical errors. According to reports, it can recognize grammar mistakes, distinguish between homonyms, and even make context-sensitive corrections. Enable "Ask Google for Suggestions" It's important to note that, in order for the spell checker to function, users of Chrome must enable the "ask ... (view more)

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'Smart' Watches: The Next Hardware Trend

The 'smart' watch may be the next frontier in high-tech hardware. At the moment, it appears a number of technology heavyweights -- including Apple, Google, and Samsung -- are all working on their own touch screen-enabled devices. Several weeks ago ... rumors emerged suggesting that Cupertino, California-based Apple was working on a touch screen wrist watch that could be integrated with the company's iPhone. Those rumors were based on Apple filing a patent application called the "Bi-Stable Spring with Flexible Display." (Source: ) Samsung Confirms Smart Watch in the Works In ... (view more)

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Google Reader Shut Down; Users Express Anger

Google aroused plenty of anger on Thursday by announcing that it will be taking its popular Google Reader service offline. The decision is part of the company's "spring cleaning" campaign, which, despite the name, started in 2011 and has resulted in ... 70 services being disabled. Google Reader launched in 2005. It's a Really Simple Syndication (RSS) service, meaning it allows users to keep track of their favorite websites with a constantly-updated news feed. Declining Popularity Prompts Move In explaining the decision to kill Reader, Google says that the service just wasn't that popular anymore ... (view more)

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Microsoft, Google Execs Dominate Billionaires List

A recent Forbes report reveals just how much money can be made in the lucrative consumer technology business. Forbes' annual list of the world's wealthiest people is largely dominated by executives from the tech industry's biggest firms, including ... Microsoft and Google. Sitting atop the world's richest people list is Mexican mobile mogul Carlos Slim Helu, who controls Latin American firm America Movil. Helu's net worth: an astounding $73 billion. Gates, Ballmer, Allen in Top 60 Not far behind is Microsoft chairman Bill Gates , who is worth a reported $67 billion. A short jump down the list to ... (view more)


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