
Dennis Faas's picture

Converting Dates in MS Excel

A reader asked if there was any formula in Excel that would convert a date shown in the European format of day-month-year to the U.S. version of month-day-year. Technically, it may not be necessary to do this. Excel maintains dates as numeric values ... and displays them using various formats. If the dates are numeric values in your worksheet, then you can simply change the format and the dates will be displayed in the U.S. format. The day you see in a worksheet could instead be a text value rather than a numeric value. To see if the date is truly an Excel date or text value, you can change the ... (view more)

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Excel Can E-Mail Your Weekly Reports For You!

Many times, in an office setting, you have an Excel spreadsheet that has to be sent to different departments on a weekly basis. Even if you have a distribution list setup in MS Outlook, it still takes some time to setup your e-mail and proof it ... before sending it out. Why not let MS Excel do it for you? Follow the steps below to lighten your workload: Launch MS Excel if it is not already open. Open the workbook containing the report you want to send. Click ALT + F11. The Visual Basic Editor will open. In the Project-VBA Project pane, double-click ThisWorkbook. Go to Insert | Procedure. Click ... (view more)

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Multiple Sheet Selections in MS Excel

Many times you make the same changes to multiple sheets in an Excel Workbook. Perhaps you would like to change the column widths or apply special formatting to a range of cells in several sheets. Creating a group of selected sheets allows you to ... perform the task just once, thereby saving time and narrowing the margin for errors. There are several ways to select several sheets to create a multi-sheet selection: To select contiguous sheets, follow the steps below: Click a sheet tab. Click Shift and keep it depressed while clicking a second sheet tab. Excel will select both clicked sheets and ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Spell Check All Your Worksheets in your Excel Workbook

I bet that a lot of you were not aware that when you run the Spell Check feature in MS Excel, it only checks the instant worksheet and not the others in your multiple worksheet workbook. No? You didn't know that? Well then I am glad that I have now ... brought it to your attention! So now that you are aware of this I will proceed to tell you how to make Excel check all of the worksheets in your workbook. Follow the steps below to learn how: Select all the worksheets before you run the Spell check! That was quick and easy wasn't it? What? You don't know how to do that? Ok, I will show you! Right- ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Cancel a Command in MS Excel

How many times have you started to perform an operation or action within Excel, when you decided half way through that you wanted to cancel it before it finished? Well the good news is that it is not impossible to do this, and it's not even ... difficult at all either! Usually all that is necessary is to simply press the Esc key. This one little key stroke should cancel any command or action that Excel is processing at that instant. It isn't very well known, but you can also press Esc to close almost any dialog box that may pop up in MS Excel. When you become a member at CarolsCornerOffice.com, ... (view more)

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Changing Excel's Starting Date

MS Excel will allow you to select which date you use as the beginning point for serial numbers. In Personal Computers, this date is January 1, 1900. Excel workbooks imported from the Macintosh environment require you to set the starting date to ... January 2, 1904--the date used on the Mac. To set these two dates, follow the steps below: Click on Tools | Options. MS Excel will display the Options dialog box. Make sure the Calculation tab is selected. The 1904 Date System check box controls which dating system is used. If the check box is not selected, then the January 1, 1900 starting date is ... (view more)

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Microsoft Reveals Excel Security Risk

Microsoft has warned that several older versions of Excel contain a bug that could be exploited by hackers. It affects both Windows and Macintosh users. The bug could make it possible to execute code remotely. That means a hacker would be able to ... gain some degree of access to a user's computer, with the potential to steal personal information. The problem affects versions of Excel (including the stand-alone viewer) dated up to and including 2004. However, if the user has downloaded Office Service Pack 3, the bug will have been removed. Those versions dated 2007 or 2008 do not have the bug. To ... (view more)

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Excel Status Bar Calculations

You do not always need a formula in MS Excel. That's right, you can just look at the Status bar to view a quick calculation. On the right-hand of the Status bar, at the bottom of the Excel screen, calculations can be displayed for the average, ... count, number or numbers, maximum/minimum value, and sum of any given range of numbers. Follow the steps below to see how: Select a range of cells in MS Excel. In Excel version 2003, right-click on the Status bar, where you see the calculation listed, and choose the function to be performed. In Excel version 2007, look toward the bottom of your screen. ... (view more)

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Add Autonumbering to your MS Excel Spreadsheet

Autonumbering will advance your numbered rows and keep them current, even if you should delete or add a row. Unfortunately, MS Excel does not ship with an autonumbering feature (like that found in MS Access), that increments a number each time you ... add a new row. In Excel 2003 and 2007 however, you can use the Row function to add your own autonumbering to a list. Say you want to create a list of all of your school's classes and their corresponding learning materials. Follow the steps below to add autonumbering to the list: In A1, enter the formula below: =TEXT(Row(A1),"000-000") Enter the name ... (view more)

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Changing Directions In MS Excel

The default behavior of the Enter key drives some Excel folks crazy. When you press Enter, some users would prefer that the cursor to move to the next cell on the right, while other folks prefer the cursor to move down. Fortunately, MS Excel can ... accommodate these preferences and more. To change the way Excel reacts after Enter is pressed follow the steps below: Go to Tools | Options. Select the Edit tab. Click the Move Selection After Enter checkbox to activate the Direction drop-down list. In the drop-down list, select from the following options: Down Right Up Left If you prefer that the ... (view more)


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