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Trojan Horse Found on Apple App Store, Google Play

A security firm has discovered a Trojan horse posing as a smartphone application on both Apple's App Store and Google Play. Both Google and Apple have already removed the app, so it is no longer available for download. The app, called "Find and ... Call," masked as a smartphone organization tool. In reality, however, it was a virus that, after being installed, spread to other devices by means of the device user's contact list. Contact List Uploaded to Remote Server The true nature of "Find and Call" was originally discovered by Kaspersky Lab, a prominent security firm. According to ... (view more)

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Google Wallet Payment System Vulnerable to Attack

Google has temporarily suspended one of the features on its mobile wallet system for smartphones following word the platform has at least two serious security flaws. Google Wallet allows users to make payments using "near-field communications," a ... wireless protocol like Bluetooth, but with a maximum range of just centimeters. Users can hold, tap or swipe their smartphone next to a payment device without having to worry about the signal being intercepted. 'Brute Force' Could Break Code The system can be protected with a PIN (personal identification number) code, to prevent misuse when ... (view more)

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Gmail Contact List Hacked

Right before the New Year, Google received a nasty surprise. Gmail users were susceptible to having their contact lists stolen and used for malicious purposes. In order for the bug to activate itself, people had to be logged into Gmail and then go ... to a website designed specifically to exploit the vulnerability. Signing in to sites such as,, and Google Docs ... (view more)

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SoBig Email Worm Virus, Part 2

Recall -- A few days ago, I wrote about the latest virus threat which is currently clogging up email mailboxes around the world. In short, the "SoBig worm arrives via email as an attachment; once the attachment has been executed, the worm attempts ... to propagate itself by mass-mailing the contacts it has collected from the host computer [especially through the use of email Address Books / Contact Lists]." SoBig Email Worm Virus The SoBig worm has been an especially dreadful problem for me, since I receive email daily from folks around the world. Whenever someone decides to drop me a ... (view more)

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