
John Lister's picture

Google: Defamation Law Suits will bring Censorship

Google says defamation laws could mean it has to "censor" search results. It's appealing a case in Australia where it was told to pay damages for a link to a newspaper article. The case involves a man arrested in 2004 on charges of conspiracy to ... murder. The charges were later dropped. Google's search results database included a link to an Australian newspaper article from the time of the arrest. In 2016 the man asked Google to remove the link but it refused to do so. The man then sued Google for defamation, arguing that linking to the article had the same effect as the article itself. He ... (view more)

John Lister's picture

Software Firm tells Parents to Spy on 'Gay' Sons

A company selling spy software encouraged parents to use its tools to discover if their son was gay. It's now removed the article in question. Fireworld offers software that tracks use of a computer. It's designed to be installed by anyone with ... physical access to the computer, who then wants to track what somebody else is doing with it. The software treads a thin line under French law, which makes it illegal to install spyware (software that spies) on somebody else's computer. Fireworld warns customers to make sure they are acting legally, and there's at least an argument that it's legitimate ... (view more)

John Lister's picture

Google Censor 'Right To Be Forgotten' Links Backfire

A web developer has started a site which displays Google censored links, enforced by the " right to be forgotten " rules in Europe. It's another example of how such censorship rules aren't working as well as planned. The new rules came into force ... earlier this year after the European Court of Justice made a final ruling in a long-running case involving Google and a Spanish man . The man wanted Google to remove a link to a news article from the 1990s about his property being repossessed. The man said it was unfair that people who searched for his name online would see that ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

More Content, Fewer Ads; Now Accepting Donations

To our Valued Readers, In our quest to improve upon and overall visitor satisfaction to our site, we've rolled out some major changes this past week and will continue to make improvements in the weeks ahead. Some of the changes we've ... rolled out this past week include: additional content: 5 more articles per week added: payment link for donations by PayPal, card, and by mail inclusion of "How To" articles to the site removal of Vibrant Media ads (blue double-underscore links / pop up ads) removal / change of Google ads added: 'Help Support Infopackets' tab at top of page ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

How to Support Infopackets using

At the request of many users, I've put a link to this page on our tab menu (near: Home, Archive, Contact, etc), which is accessible on every page of our site. Refer back here any time you need to. This article was originally published November 22, ... 2012, and has been amended. Article Summary: This article describes our current financial situation, as well as instructions on how to support Infopackets using Amazon. Your support is greatly needed and appreciated and allows us to continue publishing. Update 2012/11/23: I've added links to (USA), (UK), as well as ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

4 Days Only: Amazon Black Friday Deals: up to 70% Off

Note from Dennis: further down this article you'll find a quick-and-dirty list of items of the best Black Friday deals I've found online. The list is conveniently presented in ascending order according to discount markup. Proceeds help to support ... our website, staff and writers. Your support is greatly needed and appreciated! You can go straight to the discount list by clicking here , or continue reading below. Happy Thanksgiving! -- Thanksgiving is officially upon us, which means there's going to be a ton of great deals being offered online as a result of the Holiday season -- deals like ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Voting Poll Results, Plus Answers to FAQs

Regarding our vote on February 15, 2012 -- I have read approximately 1,000 comments from readers, along with their ballots. I will provide insight with regard to the findings, as well as address some issues. This post is approximately 1,500 words. I ... realize some of you won't want to read all of it and just want the results. So, I would like to begin by saying this: According to the results of the vote, I am pleased to announce that Infopackets will remain online. Moving forward: all users will retain access to everything that they have now and well into the future. This includes free access ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Vote Q&A Update: How Google Killed Infopackets

It's been a week since we had our vote and my email inbox is buzzing with questions and suggestions from our readers. The question below is the most frequently asked question from last week's vote, and it deserves an entire article on its own. ... Please read it carefully. Note: the article below is lengthy (about 1500 words). Most people reading this article will find it highly informative and interesting as it applies to technology, search engines, advertising, profits, and even addresses how and why Google ranks its search results. It also explains why we are asking for contributions to our ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

How to Convert VHS to DVD Format

Special note: this article has been broken into two parts, as the question and answer is somewhat technical. I've gone to great lengths to make this as easy as possible and have provided step-by-step instructions on converting VHS to DVD, as we ... receive this question a lot from our readers. This first article describes how to do VHS to DVD conversion / transfer using USB video capture hardware. The second article explains how to make any video file (including any VHS videos you transfer to your PC) play in a DVD player: either connected to your TV, or playable in your PC. Infopackets Reader ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Insert Rows and Columns in MS Word Tables

A reader recently wrote: " [In regard to the article ' Insert Rows and Columns in Tables in MS Word '] ... your article forgets to mention that one must right-click on a cell above or below where the inserted row is to go. There is no Table | Insert ... menu item in Word 2007. I appreciate what you are doing at this site but this article was confusing because of the omission." My response: I do apologize if you were confused by my article. You are quite correct; I did not mention that you could right-click on a row above or below to insert a row. Note that I said "could" and not "must." ... (view more)


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