ai tool

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Meta AI Image Warnings Backfire

Facebook and Instagram's attempts to avoid users being misled by AI-generated photos have backfired. Several users report photographs they took themselves as being falsely labeled as made by AI tools. Meta, which owns both sites plus social ... discussion tool Threads, has started adding a "Made with AI" label to images. In some cases it's there because the users has ticked a box to say they used AI to make the image. In other cases, it's because Meta's detection tools have flagged the image. The site has felt pressure to clearly indicate AI-generated images that could be designed to fool and ... (view more)

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Artists 'Poison' AI Image Tools

Disgruntled artists have exploited a flaw in artificial intelligence image generators to "poison" their learning. They are looking for revenge on AI operators who use artwork without permission to train their tools. Like most generative AI, image ... tools learn by analyzing millions of pictures and accompanying captions. In turn, the AI creates its own checklist for what particular words or phrases mean. They also learn styles of image and art. While some AI tools are "trained" with permission on libraries of licenses of images, others simply trawl the Internet and use any images they can find. ... (view more)

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