'GuardAxon 2.7', and 'Foxmail 7.2.6'

Brandon Dimmel's picture

GuardAxon 2.7

This program can help you encrypt and decrypt files, making it safer to transmit those files via email or removable thumb drive. GuardAxon employs many encryption algorithms, including BlowFish, TwoFish, DES, and AES-256. UPDATE 20141219: some users have complained that this file is being flagged with their antivirus (malwarebytes). Please note that according to the VirusTotal web site, this program scores a 5/52 in threat - that is, out of 52 antivirus products, only 5 anvirus programs identify this as a threat. Please keep in mind that the nature of this program is to encrypt files - similar to how new new viruses like CryptoLocker operate - so in all likelihood, any warnings received could be a false positive. View the virustotal analysis here for the main program; view the virustotal analysis here for the portable edition. Download at your own risk.


Foxmail 7.2.6

If you're looking for an alternative to Microsoft Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo Mail, or Hotmail, give Foxmail a try. It features a user-friendly interface, fast performance, and advanced note-taking functionality. It can even sync with QQMail.


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