X-ray PC and Simple Ocr

Dennis Faas's picture

X-Ray Pc

X-RayPC Displays running processes, and compares them to the SpywareGuide database. The result is something like a systems management tool with a built-in expert system. Lists active processes, List autostarting programs, Lists BHOs, Download Program Files, IE Extension plugins, etc, Shows file size and MD5 of all files instantly, One-Click "Triage" : shows which items are "good", "bad" or "unknown", Integrated file-uploader, Integrated deactivation and removal of an item or file, Can kill running processes (within the limits of the OS security model), Can delete in-use files (after reboot), Can export the log file in text form, Excel format and in HJT-compatible format, Detects hundreds of suspicious programs. This tool is not meant to replace your standard anti-spyware scanner, but serve as diagnostic tool to help identify questionable processes on a machine.


Simple Ocr

SimpleOCR, a fully-featured, free OCR [Optical Character Recognition] application. Using OCR technology, you can scan text from a page, and convert into real text for editing on your computer. If you didn't use OCR, a scan of a page would only be a picture (and not editable as text, for example).


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