'Konfabulator', and 'Windows Shell Extensions In Net'

Dennis Faas's picture


Konfabulator is a JavaScript runtime engine for Windows and Mac OS X that lets you run little files called Widgets that can do pretty much whatever you want them to. Widgets can be alarm clocks, calculators, can tell you your WiFi signal strength, will fetch the latest stock quotes for your preferred symbols, and even give your current local weather. What sets Konfabulator apart from other scripting applications is that it takes full advantage of today's advanced graphics.

This allows Widgets to blend fluidly into your desktop without the constraints of traditional window borders. Toss in some sliding and fading, and these little guys are right at home in Windows XP and Mac OS X. The format for these Widgets is completely open and easy to learn so creating your own Widgets is an extremely easy task. For the "skinning" crowd, Konfabulator is a dream come true. You can easily change the look, feel, layout, even functionality of a Widget so that it matches your lifestyle, your desktop, or the pants or skirt you have on that day.


Windows Shell Extensions In Net

The Windows Explorer is a wonderful little tool. It may look like just a typical file/folder viewer, but it is actually a bit more simplistic than that: The Windows Explorer is just an application that exposes the Windows Shell. The view of the file system is called the Windows Shell. You will see the same behavior all around Windows; file dialogs, Internet Explorer's FTP view, and more. Luckily for us, Microsoft has created a way to hook into the Shell to add our own functionality.


3D MP3 Sound Recorder

More great software is just around the corner -- don't forget to check out today's Software Spotlight, "3D MP3 Sound Recorder", available online our web site!

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