Change your Outline Symbols in MS Word

Dennis Faas's picture

Were you aware that you can select which symbols you use for outlines? No? Well you can even change them to your own symbols if you like. There are many default symbols that ship with MS Word for outlines that you can use, aside from the usual numbers and letters, but you can personalize your outlines so that they stand out!

Follow the steps below:

  • Click on Format | Bullets and Numbering.  
  • You will see a dialog box that allows you to select which symbols you would like to use.   If you select any format except None, you will notice that the Customize button is enabled.   Click Customize and you will then be able to select the font, size, character, or even a picture to use.  
  • Use the Picture button to search for just the right symbol for your document!  
  • Click OK.

You now have a personalized outline that has not been used by anyone else!

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