Infopackets Fund Raiser

Dennis Faas's picture

Last week, I announced that the infopackets web server is stressed and needs upgrading.

Since it is not within my budget to rent an additional dedicated web server, I launched a fund raiser in hopes that Infopackets Readers would contribute enough to help cover the spiraling cost of maintaining this web site.

To rally support desperately needed from Readers, I provided three methods of contribution:

  • Donate money via PayPal or by Credit Card.
  • Purchase one or two of my supplemental eBook and Video learning tutorials (now up to 65% off, with an additional 25% off if you buy more than 2 tutorials at once).
  • Purchase recommended software reviewed through the newsletter.

After sending out last Thursday's newsletter, I received a few hundred emails from Readers over the weekend. Many Readers sympathized with my dilemma, while others asked if there were more ways to contribute. Infopackets Reader Sally J. writes:

" I do love your newsletter and think that it is fantastic. Problem is that I don't have your snail mail address. For those of us that either do not have a credit card or their husbands have banned them for using them on the net, please let us know where we can send the donations. "

Thanks for your concern, Sally. It completely slipped my mind to include a mailing address for donations by check. The mailing address is below -- don't forget to include proper postage if you live outside of Canada: 237 Askin Ave, #1 Windsor, Ontario Canada N8W 2L9 c/o Dennis Faas

Having said that, a few users asked if I could extend my eBook offer past the holiday season. Infopackets Reader Dri-Anna in Washington writes:

" What a wonderful offer, especially for those of us who are limited to modest and/or small fixed incomes. I for one really could use the Java Magic E-Book. However, I have already dispensed the money from my December budget that can be dispensed in anyway I see fit. In this case, it was for Christmas Gifts. Might it be possible for you to extend the $12.95 offer through the first week of January? "

Unfortunately, I cannot extend the offer beyond this Thursday, December 18th (midnight). You can, however, pre-order the eBook / video online the web site by selecting "Send a Check" on the order page. Your order information will be collected, stored in a database, and you will be given an order number. When you write the check, include your order number and send it off using the mailing address above.

I am asking for donations because I do not want to have a closed / members-only / paid subscription web site. A few Readers hinted at this idea over the weekend, but I have already decided heavily against going this route. The truth is that I get greater satisfaction sharing my knowledge with everyone on the list, rather than a few. And that's why I'm asking one more time for support from Readers; please show your support!

Thank you!

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