That Blank Page at the End of Your Word Table!

Dennis Faas's picture

A reader recently wrote to me asking me how to remove the blank page at the end of the table in her document.

When you create a table that ends at the bottom margin in an MS Word document, Word will automatically insert a new blank page.  This takes place whether you want it or not because there is a paragraph inserted by default at the end of your document. If you click on the pilcrow on your toolbar (looks like a backwards P) it will turn on the Show/Hide button, which will reveal a paragraph mark after the table.

This can be very annoying, especially when you do not need an extra page. Word will not allow you to delete that paragraph mark (pilcrow) because it is a part of the document's table format.

You could reformat your page so the paragraph mark will fit on the page, but there is a another solution.

Follow the steps below to eliminate that extra page:

  1. Select the pilcrow (paragraph mark) on the second page.
  2. Click in the Font size box on the Formatting toolbar. In Word 2007, click in the Font size box in the Font group on the Home tab.
  3. Replace the font size with 1, by clicking on it to highlight it and then type in the number 1.
  4. Press Enter.

If the paragraph mark is still on the blank page, follow these steps:

  1. Select the paragraph mark (pilcrow). Click on Format | Paragraph, or right-click and select Paragraph.
  2. Click the Indents And Spacing tab. In the Spacing section, change any spacing before or after the paragraph to 0.
  3. Click in the Line Spacing box, select Single.
  4. Click OK.

The paragraph mark should now be just about invisible, but it will be positioned on the same page as your table.

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