Adding and Removing Items to the Quick Access Toolbar: Word 2007

Dennis Faas's picture

You will notice at the bottom of the Ribbons in MS Word 2007 there appear small groups. Each group contains individual tools or controls.

Suppose you are displaying the Page Layout ribbon and you really want to access the Home ribbon's Editing tools? That's where the Quick Access Toolbar comes into play!

Any item on the ribbon, whether it be individual tools, groups and even dialog box launchers, can be added to the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT).

If you find that you use the Bold attribute quite often, it's a simple matter to add it to the QAT. Simply right-click on Bold and choose Add to Quick Access Toolbar. Now Bold will always be available to you regardless of which ribbon is displayed.

Decide you no longer want Bold on the QAT? Simply right-click and choose Remove from Quick Access Toolbar.

Another trick for navigating is Alt + P (Page Layout ribbon). You can then press the arrow keys. You can also use Tab and Shift + Tab to move forward or backward through all of the ribbon commands.

When you get to a command you want to use, you cam simply press the spacebar or the Enter key.

Lots more tips to come on this new version! Make sure you stay tuned!

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