Facebook Deal: Dad Pays Daughter to Stay Off Site

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Concerned about what your kids are doing on Facebook? You're probably not alone. One Massachusetts father decided it was worth $200 to keep his daughter off the social networking site for a five-month period.

Surprisingly, the deal wasn't Paul Baier's idea. Instead, Baier says his 14-year-old daughter, Rachel, came up with the plan.

"She approached me," the senior Baier said. "She has been frustrated she hasn't been able to find a babysitting job and she has been looking for ways to get cash ... So she asked, 'If I didn't use Facebook for so long would you pay me?'"

Daughter's Facebook Usage Excessive

Paul Baier says he was already growing concerned about his daughter's Facebook usage. That's why he initially doubted that she was sincere about the idea.

Baier says he told his daughter, "'Go away, you can't live without Facebook!'" (Source: abcnews.com)

But when Rachel insisted she really needed the money, Paul drew up a home-made contract. "I went back and thought about it, and said if you are going to do it, we are going to sign a contract. And she said okay."

According to the Baiers' agreement, Rachel cannot log in to Facebook at all between February 4, 2013, and June 26, 2013. In fact, under the terms of the contract Rachel must completely deactivate her Facebook account.

To enforce those rules, Rachel's father changed her Facebook password. (Of course, if she really wanted to log on, she could do it under a friend's name or start a whole new account.)

As for payouts, Paul Baier says his daughter will receive $50 at the halfway mark and another $150 once June 26 arrives. That also happens to be the last day of school for Rachel, who is currently in ninth grade. (Source: latimes.com)

Taking a Break from the "Talk and Noise"

It's possible the younger Baier is suffering from "Facebook Fatigue," a phenomenon recently explored by the Pew Internet and American Life Project.

According to Baier, Rachel has taken breaks from Facebook in the past. That's why he thinks she'll honor the father-daughter agreement.

"She has deactivated a few times for the weekend," Baier said. "She has spent two to three years on Facebook for 24/7, she realizes there is a lot of talk and noise."

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