'Free RAR Extract Frog 3.22', and 'MP3 Quality Modifier'

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Free RAR Extract Frog 3.22

Free RAR Extract Frog is a program to decompress .RAR files. To speed the decompression process up, the user has the option to define a default output folder or a default password or both. Change the program's skin by simply dropping a JPG image on the image of the frog above the short instructions.


MP3 Quality Modifier

MP3 Quality Modifier is a program that can easily change the quality of your MP3's in order to save disk space and/or to fit more music on your MP3 player while maintaining the desired level of audio quality and keeping all ID3 tags intact! The program is pretty simple to use: The first step is to drag and drop MP3 files on the file list. Various information such as the name, interpret, size and bitrate are displayed automatically.


This freeware software program is brought to you by MajorGeeks.com: The Original Spyware-Free Download Site, in partnership with Infopackets.com. Disclaimer: the above software description is provided by the software vendor and is not guaranteed or implied to be accurate. Always backup your PC before downloading and installing any software to your system. You are encouraged to review MajorGeeks.com software policy for further detail.

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