'Boot Builder', and 'Raw Copy'

Dennis Faas's picture

Boot Builder

Boot Builder allows you to create your own custom boot sector, and also allows you to recreate or restore boot sectors lost due to virus or other damage to a drive. Boot sectors can be imported or exported to a disk or created from a template.


Raw Copy

Raw Copy copies a disk as a raw image from one drive directly to another. This utility is designed for people who have a faulty drive and want to transfer the data directly to another drive without doing a file by file copy. This saves the need for operating system re-installs and allows drives with an unknown file system to be copied.


Today's fresh software picks were provided courtesy of Bob Helmer at Shell Extension City, in partnership with Infopackets.com. Please note that the below software descriptions are provided solely from the developer and are absent from any guarantee or warranty. You are encouraged to review the Shell Extension Software Policy for more details.

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