Can I track down a hacker?

Dennis Faas's picture

Infopackets Reader Merle A. writes:

" Dear Dennis,

I want to know if there is a way to find out who is trying to hack into your computer. I have the "remote address, local address, and remote computer address." Someone tried twice, but my Norton Antivirus stopped them (this time). "

My Response:

Trying to hunt down a hacker may prove to be fruitless, especially if:

  • There is more than one 'hacker' attack
  • The hacker spoofs his IP address

Chances are that most hackers will do everything possible to cover his/her tracks in an effort to thwart "being caught". Even *if* you did take the time to pursue a hacker, you'd have to go through an awful lot of mumbo jumbo, like:

  • Contact the hacker's Internet Service Provider
  • Contact a lawyer who will prosecute the hacker
  • Pay for a lawyer to prosecute the hacker

It's too much work if you ask me -- but that's just my opinion.

Side note: This topic has been updated. Click here to read.

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