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Facebook Ditches Policy Change Voting System

Facebook is planning to drop a system that allows users to vote on whether or not the social networking site can alter its policies. The company says the site is now too large for such a system to work effectively. Until now, Facebook has been ... tracking comments on posts related to its proposed policy changes. Once there are more than 7,000 "substantive" posts, the proposal automatically goes to a vote of all Facebook users. The voting system began in 2009, when Facebook received complaints about proposed changes to the legal rights it claimed over photos, videos, and other materials its users ... (view more)

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AOL Unveils 'Alto': Email Organization Tool

You've Got Mail -- again. AOL is introducing a new email tool designed to make life easier for Internet users, even those running rival email services. About 20 million people still use AOL's email service. That user base is dwarfed by some rivals; ... for example, Google's Gmail boasts 425 million users. Nevertheless, AOL thinks it can improve everyone's email experience. That's why it's launching Alto, an email service that runs in a web browser and brings into a single location messages from AOL, Apple, Gmail, and Yahoo accounts. AOL plans to tweak the service later on so it can work with ... (view more)

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Massive Edublogs Site Taken Offline by Complaint

A single complaint about a five-year-old article forced almost 1.5 million educational blogs offline for a time. Although they have since been restored, the company responsible for the blogs says common sense should have prevailed. The affected ... pages were all part of the mammoth Edublogs site that allows teachers and students to publish their own blogs and network with their counterparts at other schools. Last month, educational publisher Pearson complained that an Edublogs blog originally posted in November 2007 contained a questionnaire called the "Beck Hopelessness Scale" (which ... (view more)

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Anonymous Unmasks Alleged Cyber Bully

One of the most tragic news stories in recent days involves 15-year-old Amanda Todd, who committed suicide after being bullied online. Now, 'hacktivist' group Anonymous has attempted to expose the person it feels was responsible for Todd's death. ... It's believed Todd committed suicide after being bullied by a man who posted unseemly photos of her online. According to reports, the man even sent the pictures to Todd's friends. That prompted Todd to release a YouTube video indicating that the photo had completely ruined her reputation, making it impossible for her to make or maintain friendships ... (view more)

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Internet 404 Error Pages Used to Find Missing Kids

A new campaign is designed to make better use of 404 Page Not Found error messages. Some of those messages, which appear when an Internet website cannot be located, are to be accompanied with photos of missing children from around the world. This ... "NotFound project" is the work of a coalition of various international organizations, including Missing Children Europe, Child Focus, and the European Federation for Missing and Sexually Exploited Children. 2012's Milk Carton Message Even though Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms have in the past helped locate missing ... (view more)

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FTC Overhauls Internet Child Advertising Rules

Business groups are objecting to government proposals to restrict the way websites collect data about children. However, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is reportedly prepared to disregard that opposition. Back in early August the commission ... announced its proposed changes, designed to bring old rules (written in the 1980s) up-to-date. Advertisers Forced Into Major Changes The new rules dramatically change how online advertising works. Under the new scheme, advertisers could no longer show children behavioral ads, which are selected based on the child's browsing history. In addition, for ... (view more)

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Private Facebook Messages Appear in Public: Report

Facebook has flatly denied that private messages sent between 'Friends' on that social network have appeared on users' public profile pages. Despite widespread reports of this problem in France, Facebook says the claims are a technical impossibility ... and may be the result of confusion. The claims were first reported by the French newspaper Metro, which wrote that "private messages dating from 2007, 2008 and 2009 now appear directly in user's timelines." However, Metro noted the "problem is not systematic." (Source: ) Cheaters Exposed by Facebook Problem Following the reports, ... (view more)

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Major GoDaddy Outage: Cause Remains Unclear

Web hosting company GoDaddy suffered an outage this week that knocked thousands of small business websites offline. It appears hackers may have been responsible, but at the moment it's unclear exactly who was behind the attack. GoDaddy is best known ... for helping users register domain names, also called URLs or website addresses. However, GoDaddy also hosts millions of large and small websites, physically storing the data for the site's pages on GoDaddy's computers. GoDaddy Sites Down For Hours GoDaddy's customer websites and email services began suffering "intermittent outages" on ... (view more)

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BitFloor Faces Disaster, Hackers Pull Huge Heist

Bitcoin currency exchange BitFloor is in big trouble after a security blunder resulted in the theft of $250,000. The heist at the BitFloor "exchange" came after operators did the online equivalent of leaving the keys in the door. Bitcoin is a ... virtual currency that isn't controlled by a government and therefore isn't subject to any seizure of funds. With no government backing, Bitcoin has value only so long as enough people agree to use it. Unlike most currencies, Bitcoin exists only online, with no physical currency (like coins or bills). Each Bitcoin exists solely as a unique identification ... (view more)

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Sweden, US Benefit Most From Web Usage: Study

Tim Berners-Lee, the man many people credit with creating the World Wide Web, says Sweden has benefitted most from Internet usage. Berners-Lee ranks the United States and United Kingdom in second and third place, respectively. His rankings are based ... on data from multiple sources, including more than 80 factors across seven categories. The categories range from the availability of technology that allows the web to flourish (such as broadband cabling) to whether national laws and regulations promote or hinder the web. Berners-Lee's rankings also consider how useful and relevant the sites in ... (view more)


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