
Dennis Faas's picture

Will an Apple a Day Keep the Xbox at Bay?

As if the race for the ultimate next generation gaming experience wasn't tight enough, one of planet earth's biggest companies may be looking to get its feet wet. Sort of. Apple may be looking to go the way of arch rival Microsoft in the ... ever-expanding console gaming industry by purchasing a company whose very name is synonymous with the industry itself: Nintendo. Apple is no stranger to the home gaming industry, despite having a less-than-stellar debut in the mid 90's. In 1995, Apple released the Bandai Pippin: a home gaming console, which, to put it mildly, tanked due to its technological ... (view more)

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Video Game Detox Center Opens for Addicts

Video game addiction is "very much like gambling" and its symptoms are "no less severe than that of a drug addict or alcoholic." It can even lead to death. Smith ... (view more)

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Microsoft Offers 'Vision' in the Battle for Next-Gen Gaming

As hype over the Sony Playstation 3 (PS3) and Nintendo Wii (pronounced "We") continue to threaten Microsoft's current hold over "next-gen" systems, the latter is preparing for the Fall and Winter battle by incorporating proven hardware. Featuring ... technology manufactured by GestureTek, the Xbox Live Vision Camera will allow Xbox 360 owners with an online connection to customize their gamer tags, engage in video conversations, and most importantly play interactive games that move beyond the joystick. Much like Sony's popular EyeToy, the Xbox Live Vision Camera (set for release ... (view more)

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Free xbox 360 (giveaway)

A free xbox 360? Yes it's true -- I've just received wind that Jake Ludington is giving away a free xbox 360! Unless you've been living under a rock for the past few months, you are probably already aware that: the xbox 360 is currently *the* ... hottest game machine due to a short supply (and huge demand), the xbox 360 isn't widely available on the market A ploy by Microsoft for free publicity, perhaps? Perhaps not. USA Today is reporting that the supply for the xbox 360 is likely to stay scarce until the spring. " ... [The Xbox 360] has been hailed as an advance in home entertainment and ... (view more)


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